How many “billion dollar ideas” have you thought of, only it never came to fruition?

Whether we like to admit it or not, that’s the reality for many of us—especially in the early going. We get an idea we’re convinced could change the world, we set up a business to make that idea a reality, enjoy some early success…and then we lose steam.

In my experience, billion-dollar companies and successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they never give up.  

Too Many Ideas, Too Little Time

There are plenty of perfectly reasonable explanations for why entrepreneurs lose their momentum. After all, most entrepreneurs I have met have a particular personality. We’re easily excited and easily spurred to action. When we get a good idea, we tend to leap before we look. That is, we’re usually already in the thick of things before we’ve fully thought out our plan—and then before the dust settles and we have time to regroup, we’re off chasing down some other great idea.

This innovative energy is what makes us so wonderful. But when left unchecked, it’s also what makes us frustrating to the rest of our team, especially after we’ve grown our business and we have employees to look after.

It can be hard for us to admit it sometimes, but many entrepreneurs don’t know the value we’re supposed to be providing to our companies. We don’t know what our own job is—and therefore, we don’t know how to effectively lead, manage, and grow a company.

But here’s the good news: that energy that got you this far can be harnessed. As an entrepreneur, you already have all the qualities you need to become a dynamic, effective leader. Often you just need a nudge in the right direction.

Stay On The Front Lines

There are very few easy wins in business. The line between struggling and thriving, between success and failure, is often razor-thin. Having a good idea isn’t enough.

The entrepreneurs who succeed are the ones out there on the front lines every day, looking for ways to move the needle for their business. They’re taking care of their teams and initiating strategic projects that will benefit their organization, making everyone more successful and more efficient.

Entrepreneurs like this have another thing in common: they know the business they create is the result of the precedent they set. If you’re don’t make time to create a plan, share your vision, and stick to your deadlines, then your staff won’t either. Lead from the top in order to see it through.

This Adventure is Not Easy

Once upon a time, I was an eager twenty-something looking to break out of my nine-to-five and chart my own path. Over the next decade-and-a-half, I fought tooth and nail to make that dream a reality. Today, I’m proud to say I’ve made it to the other side (and I have the scars to prove it).

My path to success wasn’t easy. Like many entrepreneurs, I was full of ambition but low on practical experience. All I knew was that I had a vision for something different and a passion to make it happen. As the years unfolded, I got a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong, but either way, I emerged a little wiser for the experience. 

Ultimately, you don’t have to have a college degree or a Fortune 100 idea to make a successful company. The key to moving from the” entrepreneur” category to the “successful entrepreneur” category is the willingness to constantly ask yourself, “What’s next? How can I make my business thrive?” This passion to help your business thrive is what will keep you going, even when times are tough. 

For more advice on entrepreneurship and business leadership, you can find Just Go With It on Amazon