Have you ever listened to an orchestra who when playing a certain piece of music conveyed a feeling of respect, confidence and trust?
I recently attended a concert that reminded me of the relationship between the conductor, the orchestra and leadership teams.
The conductor is very much like the CEO or team leader. They have the ability to bring out the best in each musician who contributes to the music and yet at the same time, maintains the integrity and sound of each instrument. Each person performs to the best of their ability while contributing to the piece that touches the audience.
This is very similar to the connection between the team and their customer.
The CEO is the person who nurtures talent while encouraging a solo performance that highlights the individual while contributing to the overall sound of the orchestra.
The tempo, pitch and scale of the piece is played so that when combined, it follows the notes of the composer and conveys a sound that mirrors his/her theme.
The leadership team must be in alignment with the corporate vision and mission in order to best represent the company and lead the team to work in harmony.
If we hear a note that is out of tune the conductor must immediately react and introduce another instrument to maintain the integrity of the music.
The piece that is played is very similar to the collective voice of the team who perform at their very best to execute the goals and objectives of the company.
How does the team continue to play at their very best?
A management tool that effectively highlights not only our strengths but opportunities is Emotional Intelligence or EQ. This personalized report is completed using an on-line platform which provides a snapshot of 15 soft skills that lead to optimal performance. It is very similar to the sheet music that is created for each instrument that is played by an orchestra.
The CEO has the responsibility to encourage individual performance which will lead to the production of the music created by each member of the team that aligns with corporate goals and objectives.
Each member of the team contributes to the harmony that connects with the customer and conveys respect, confidence and trust in the company as they execute the strategy.
A group EQ report will highlight the strengths of the team while creating a platform to discuss the opportunities by learning new skills that contribute to continued success.
The orchestra will practise a song for a number of days or weeks before a performance. Each individual member of the orchestra will contribute to the music with consistent practise. Eventually, each performance is a valuable component to the overall season enjoyed by each and every audience. It creates a connection that provides a platform for referrals and testimonials.
EQ will highlight each musical note and create a scale for harmony. Each member of the team contributes to the success of the company through a conductor who has the ability to encourage the very best from each member of the orchestra.
The harmony created is at its very best when the conductor is aware of the skills of each musician.
Your personalized EQ report will provide the sheet music on how you will best contribute to the orchestra while highlighting your skills for optimum performance.
The next time I work with a leadership team, I will pay close attention to the conductor who orchestrates the music, encourages optimal performance and brings out the best in each musician.
Trish Tonaj is a certified EQ coach and facilitator.