I begin every day with gratitude. This centers me. As I process the pain I feel for losing my husband, George, I’m able to find serenity in all the places where we enjoyed immense happiness. I’m grateful for the silence that enables me to hear the birds in the woods at our farm; for the clear blue sky over the vineyard; for the moment the burner fills our hot air balloon as we float higher in the sky; for our cozy bedroom at night with the stars shining with the wonderment of the future; and for every fishing trip, footstep through the woods and fantastic adventure we took together. We have always felt a deep spiritual connection with nature, and the discovery that comes from being curious. There’s a whole life in the woods, and I love to be sitting in a tree in the middle of it as the dawn breaks and the forest comes to life. I believe it all translates back to human life. When we take time to explore things in our surroundings, including the people we interact with, we’re able to celebrate differences and the various facets of our individuality.
My defining characteristic is courage and it shows up in all aspects of my life. Personally, it’s about pushing the edge of whatever I’m discovering – whether I’m canvasing dozens of stores finding design and fashion trends … or scouring the woods with appreciation for the constant evolution and beauty of every phase.
At the core of my belief system I seek to build an authentic culture with a common purpose. Sleep can and will change the world by improving the quality of rest and evoking kindness. We have the ability to enable a kinder society through better sleep. The proudest thing I can do is cultivate an environment that assembles the right talent – people who have great hearts and combine their capabilities with their passion for making a difference. To me, this is incredibly rewarding, and it’s one of the reasons why I wanted to become a CEO.
Sleeping well is all about the night and dreaming big is all about the day.