It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.
~Ram Dass
I love how accurately the term perfect meandering describes life. 2020 is a prime example. Blindsided by the abrupt altering of our routines and lifestyles, we were seemingly hijacked off course.
Life is not a straight line. Shit happens and takes us off track. Even in the most ardent examples, when we think we have it all sorted it, events occur that may force us to question or reevaluate our choices.
Our reactions vary. When life suddenly changes, confusion and feelings of disorientation are normal. Some strive to get back on track as quickly as possible, and others move down the new road taking in the scenery. Others may stop and sit, contemplating what has just happened.
Keep going, because you did not come this far, just to come this far.
The acceptance of what is is often tricky. In many respects, it is an essential element of self-awareness. What once was, may never be again. The idea of perfect meandering speaks to me of the realization we are precisely where we are, at the moment we are there.
How many times have we been waylayed, then realize the detour was specifically what was needed? Or that it exposed us to something we would never have discovered otherwise? Becoming attuned to even the smallest detour alerts us to be present in the moment.
When we become rigid in what was supposed to be, instead of supple in what is, prevents us from being present. As soon as we have a concept of how it should be, we cannot see what is, we are living in a world of longing.
When we fight the turn, our path is taking; we resist what life is presenting, blinding us to new opportunities. Acceptance allows us to experience the possibilities the current direction is here to show us.
Every tributary of change is not taking us away from our journey; it is the journey, exposing colors, textures, and flavors we may not have realized existed.
Navigating Uncertainty
Open our minds. Let go of rigidity and accept what was is in the past. And what will be, is for our continued growth.
To free us from disappointments when life changes, we must let go of expectations of how we thought things should have, could have, or would have been.
Detach from the outcome. Focus on the process and the journey.
Release self-limiting ideas, beliefs, and thoughts; I could never do that, That’s not who I am, I’m not good enough, that hold us, hostage, to moving forward.
Stop worrying about those things that are out of our control.
Purge ourselves from toxic relationships that hold us back from reaching our potential.
Bring attention to what we have, instead of focusing on what we don’t have. Place gratitude on the richness of our lives, and accept what we have is exactly what we need.
Remove the concept that more is better.
We have the power to create our worlds. Our thoughts and our reactions are our most vital tools.
Be patient. Uncertainty, anger, and fear are part of the journey. These emotions must be experienced and may feel like they will last forever, but they too shall pass.
With a positive attitude of happiness and gratitude, we move forward even if we do not know where we are going.
Release fear. Fear is the emotion that keeps us rigid. Krishnamurti says, one is never afraid of the unknown. One is afraid of the known coming to an end. By looking at fear straight on, we will understand that whether it is what we know ending or simply something we do not know, instead of avoiding it; acknowledge its existence. The action of confronting it will allow us to move past it.
Enjoy the ever-changing adventure of the journey we call life. Remember to let go and go with the flow, trusting we are right where we are meant to be each step of the way. Life is the perfect meandering; with each turn, it brings us to who we are.
The next message you need is always right where you are.
~Ram Dass
Originally published: