A few months ago I started a Happiness Coalition in my hometown. The purpose of fostering happiness in our community was sparked. Here in the South we are kind with our sweet ice tea, and this is our culture. Wherever we go there is a smile and hello, yet the happiness of our citizens needs fostering. Our population scores one of the lowest ranked states in happiness in our country. Gallup ranked Tennessee on of the top unhappiest and unhealthy states at #46:


As a Life Coach and facilitator of the coalition meetings, I connect with everyone who shares the common purpose to make our town the happiest place to live, work, & thrive. Every month we meet and a guest speaker shares their own journey of happiness. My pathway has brought talented people with similar motivation to my own.

There is a challenge these inspiring colleagues present when asked to speak: perfectionism. I hear them talk about a shared passion with my own, with enthusiasm. I often help them bridge the anxieties fostered by roots of perfectionism to cross over with acceptance that nothing in life will ever be perfect enough. Excellence is worth aspiring for. In everything we do we should strive to be our very own best, and accept this as good enough.

A key to breaking free from the perfection trap is connecting with a tribe who encourages, shows gratitude and elevates one another. We all have areas of strength coupled with spaces in life we are developing and improving. When we communicate gratitude for a person’s talents, & contributions, we are signaling to them their best is good enough.

Today when we begin our day, let’s tell ourselves, “Today I do my best, and this is good enough.” With this adjustment in mindset, we will find increased freedom to step out into our dreams & passions. As we offer this perspective to others, there will be a shift in our own lives that positively affects others individually, with progressive impact within our communities.