Emotional Resiliency is the key to succeeding at nearly everything we do. If we want to live with purpose and direction, give back and remain internally strong, the ability to engage our inner reserves during stress is the key. What is emotional resilience?

Resilience is bouncing back from life’s difficulties. It is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress – such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. Why is resilience so important? Without it, most people give up and give in to depression, anxiety and overwhelm.

Why is this? Many people just don’t have the tools. They haven’t been taught how to access them. But the good news is most people inherently have them. It’s a matter of learning new behaviors and thoughts and training yourself to respond to life’s difficulties in new and healthier ways.

One tip on developing resiliency includes reframing your experiences that are traumatic to learning experiences. What is the experience teaching you? What do you need to do to overcome whatever has happened to you? Do you need support of friends and family? Seek it out. You will be surprised what the power of connection and sharing will do. Our society is invested in maintaining secrecy; social media pressures us to present an image that we are happy, successful, okay. But what if you don’t feel that way? Don’t hide. Seek connection. Be honest.

Secondly, feel your feelings but don’t get stuck in them. Develop strategies and plans to take decisive action in the face of pain. That plan will look different for everyone and every situation and may include medication. The key is to honor your emotions but make a decision to maintain a hopeful outlook and reframe a crisis not as insurmountable but as a part of living. You will begin to build inner strength when you don’t quit, don’t give in to the depression and take positive action.
