When you decided to become an entrepreneur I’m sure it wasn’t to just be another person in your field spinning your wheels trying to get your next client. I’m pretty sure you desired success, wealth and a fully booked calendar. But how does that happen? How do you stand out among the crowd in this super-busy, super-noisy online world? How do you set yourself apart and become an expert in your field?
You do it by having a personal branded style that no one else can duplicate! You may have heard of personal branding but have you heard of having a personal branded style? I believe the two go hand in hand. A style that speaks for you and your personality is the key to drawing in your ideal client. It works because everything is based around you. Who you are, what you do and who you desire to serve. It’s all wrapped up in your personal branded style.
When done right it can easily attract clients to you. You’ll win in business by simply coming from an authentic place of being unapologetically you.
It’s created through the image they see of you on- and offline. The colors you choose, the fonts you use, the complete look of your brand. The clothing you wear, your hair, makeup, even down to your shoes. It’s in the message you relay and the vision you have for the world around you. It’s the way people become familiar with you and want to know more about the problem you can solve for them.
You can have great content and awesome programs but if no one notices you or hires you then all you really have is an expensive hobby! I know because I’ve been there.
The lack of having a personal branded style was the exact thing that caused me to fail in my lifelong dream of becoming a well-known singer and songwriter in the music industry. The failure came from a major disconnect in the song lyrics that were coming out of my mouth and the image they saw when I stepped on stage. I was singing about healing the world dressed like a sex kitten. The two just didn’t make sense. So instead of becoming the next Beyonce I ended up broke and broken! I didn’t realize at the time that people couldn’t get with my message because it was all over the place!
Do you desire a highly visible career that puts you in front of hundreds of thousands of people daily, but still look like the average mom headed to the grocery store? Are you speaking about high-end premium packages but still doing your own graphics on Canva?
Let me guess those $15,000 dollar programs aren’t really flying off the shelf are they? Mainly because you need a branded style!! You need your complete visual brand to look and feel like what you’re saying out of your mouth. Everything needs to be cohesive and everything needs to make sense for us to buy what you’re selling. You get my drift?
Top companies have been doing this for years. Walmart’s message is that they have the lowest prices around. From the minute you walk into one of their stores you visibly see that, feel that and get on board!! At the same time high-end places like Gucci or Hermes want you to know they’re unique and sought after. They relay the message that not just anyone can play ball with them. We feel this and see it in every inch of their businesses from the price tag of their items to the luxe shopping bags you leave out of the door carrying. Even their employees and the way they’re dressed speak directly to what you’ll be experiencing while there.
My point being whether you want to be high-end or not you must be branded. Being an entrepreneur is slowly becoming a common thing. The millennials are literally building businesses from their phones. So you must do your best to create a personal branded style for your business that speaks to the level of success you desire to achieve. Otherwise you’ll just be another person online trying to figure out why it isn’t working!!
Create a personal branded style that’s so you that the people you were born to serve will recognize you from the rest and come running with their debit cards in hand!!
Image and Visual Branding Consultant
Originally published at medium.com