A few years ago I shied away from the spiritual healing community because I didn’t get it— any of it. Since I didn’t understand the unseen concepts of energy work, my normal reaction was to sometimes make hippy-dippy jokes. During that time, I was building a corporate career and conforming to who I thought I was supposed to be and how I was supposed to be living. On the outside I was thriving, but on the inside I felt miserable and slowly started realizing I was chasing illusions and false promises.
Even though I felt things heavily, all this talk of “manifestation” and “power of energy” felt foreign to me — what does it all mean? As someone who was raised completely by the books, it was hard for me to wrap my mind around the unseen world around us. So in turn, I adopted an “if I can’t see it then I can’t believe it” perspective. But here’s the thing — I was working with energy intensely every day, I just wasn’t fully tuned into what was actually happening to me. You won’t attune until you experience the phenomenons; when you start your own process of up-leveling and awakening. You won’t understand how energy actually works until you begin stepping upwards into your higher consciousness and connecting with others that live on your same frequency. And you won’t get there if you are lying to yourself, scared of judgment, or running the other way out of fear.
Before I went through my personal awakening I didn’t recognize the energies impacting me because my mind was extremely brainwashed by judgment, manipulation, deception, and false beliefs. Little did I know at the time that the shifts I was always feeling — the ones resulting in panic attacks, out-of-nowhere depression spells, and insomnia — were all symptoms of energy exchanging. There were certain people I just couldn’t control my emotions nor panic around – people who left me feeling depleted, sad, and utterly confused. I would write things off as me being overly sensitive, and I was told by doctors that I just needed to take anxiety meds, sleep aids, anti-depressants; basically any drug was thrown my way like cure-all-candy.
I went searching for answers in therapy sessions and yoga retreats, but there was still something unexplainable going on. No amount of xanax nor yoga ever made me feel like I was living in my own pure energy. Medication made me feel even more disconnected to myself and the world around me. The only time I felt at peace was when I was traveling to new places because I could pop out of my bubble and spend time soaking in pure self-reflection. I started picking up on what these overwhelming feelings really were – unhealthy energy exchanges – and I felt there was something universally bigger at the root of these heavy feelings. However, because of my environment and the people I felt obligated to tend to, I questioned myself and had to continue searching for validation.
I knew I needed to connect with a true energy worker to help me get outta my funk and get my power back, which is when I connected with Aryn Elaine of Healing Elaine® (her page takes time to load from some devices and servers, but it’s worth waiting a full minute). Elaine is an incredible healer Bridging the Gap Between Medical & Spiritual™. Honestly, connecting with Elaine was the Universe at work because she’s hard to find and reach… literally. Almost all of her online pages have been taken down by force. She actually had her Yelp pages recently taken down overnight which included hundreds of 5-star reviews which you can see on her Instagram page under highlight stories. She is also hard to contact because she works extremely selectively; she has a protocol and prerequisites to ensure she only works with people of integrity at the right moment in time.
Before I met Elaine I simply left her a voicemail with my first name only because that is her protocol. The connection and timing is all about energy aligning so she doesn’t need any personal information. The power of the unseen is serendipitous. When she called me back the next day, she already knew what I was going through because she felt the symptoms and vibrations energetically. She actually adopted physical symptoms mirroring my pain, and also knew the time was right. Right then and there I knew this work was so incredibly real and powerful. So what type of healing work does Elaine do? She has a unique ability to witness someone’s unconscious in action. Within their unconscious field, she sees various timelines of gaps and missing pieces that need to re-connect to the somatic memory in the physical body, to integrate and forge new consciousness. That is her modality and she can’t teach it. She believes there must be a tangible and intangible connection that creates an actual conduit for that healing. As she taught me, it’s physics.
Elaine helped me work through the challenges I was experiencing as a certain type of empath. There are so many empaths in our world, and so many different types of empaths who absorb energies from our environment in so many different ways (basically like energy sponges). She recognized that I was holding onto negative energies, subconscious fears, and false beliefs about myself that didn’t belong to me, which is why I was completely depleted and felt polluted. We worked together to release what didn’t belong to me so I could start reconnecting with my true self (which I totally forgot how amazing that felt). I finally understood everything I was experiencing which impacted me on every level — physically, emotionally and mentally.
Everything about all of us is intertwined and connected. Immediately following my first session with Elaine I got a terrible migraine on the left side of my head which was 30+ years of brainwashing washing away. After that subsided, I felt like myself for the first time in years and experienced much-needed withdrawals, downloads, vibrations, and visions. The results were life-altering, but she also taught me that the ongoing self-healing work is never-ending.
Prioritizing my energetic health through this type of unseen healing has changed my life and perspective. I am no longer submissive or scared to walk away from environments or people that deplete me. I am more clear-minded and focused on what brings me joy and stability. And guess what? No more meds nor panic attacks, and I finally feel the amazing benefits of yoga and meditation.
Before I went through this healing I had recognized that the vibrations of working in a corporate environment did not align with my vibe, so I made the leap into entrepreneurship and started my own storytelling business. Although I was loving life as an entrepreneur and I love helping companies tell their brand story, something still felt “off” and I started to hit a wall. Elaine helped me realize that my true calling was not the business I started, but to use my own gifts to help others build a life of alignment and abundance through energy work. Thanks to her support and her ability to “see” me as I truly exist, I’m now in the process of building my own alternative wellness practice. I will be working with others on their own energy re-tuning to help them release the energetic anchors holding them back from living at their highest vibration. Let’s make you the author of your own book. Tune Into Your Vibe coming soon…
Just like we take care of our physical bodies and minds through exercise, diet, therapy, and mindfulness, we also need to take care of our energetic bodies. We can get so tied up in appearances and conformity, but energy is what we feel and how we connect with others and the world— we need to prioritize keeping our energy pure and shielded. Our well-being depends on it.