Have you ever encountered a situation or person, and despite what was going on or being said, you sensed that there was more to the story than what your eyes could see? That feeling that you can’t quite define in the moment, but as time goes on it becomes crystal clear that whatever you were sensing was dead on? Well of course you have… In fact, we all have. And it’s no coincidence that your initial senses are ALWAYS pointing you in the right direction. You are always being lead to the TRUTH of the matter for whatever it is that sent your senses in a tizzy. That, my friend, is GOD and Universe’s GREATEST gift to mankind. INTUITION.

History and the great religious books of life often teach us that intuition is a major part of survival for human beings. It is what we use when we are unknowingly in the face of danger, or when we don’t have the words to express what is truly in our hearts. It guides us even when the thinking mind can’t make sense of its own thoughts. It’s the feeling (often subtle) beneath the surface that ultimately points us to truth without the need for reason.

By definition, INTUITION is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

That’s right, unlike what we’ve been collectively trained to believe about decision making, not every circumstance or situation requires reasoning. In fact, oftentimes you just have to trust that you really do KNOW what you KNOW. As Malcolm Gladwell, bestselling author of Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, puts it:

Anyone who has ever scanned the bookshelves of a new girlfriend or boyfriend- or peeked inside his or her medicine cabinet- understands this implicitly; you can learn as much — or more — from one glance at a private space as you can from hours of exposure to a public face.”

He further goes on to challenge logical reasoning in saying that:

“Our world requires that decisions be sourced and footnoted, and if we say how we feel, we must also be prepared to elaborate on why we feel that way. I think that approach is a mistake, and if we are to learn to improve the quality of the decisions we make, we need to accept the mysterious nature of our snap judgements. We need to respect the fact that it is possible to know without knowing why we know and accept that — sometimes — we’re better off that way.”

This whole notion of instinct and intuitive wisdom was once, and still is, regarded as the core essence of femininity. It is the superpower that women of all ages across time have consistently relied upon for survival in a world ruled by masculinity. It is what kept women safe and guarded, and why a man had to earn her vulnerability, because she always KNEW.

Feminist Guidance Coach Gayle Goldwin writes in WomanSpirit Oracles: Wisdom of the Ancients, Solutions For Today:

“There was a time, back in days now lost in the fog of prehistory, when Woman didn’t need oracles to predict her future or reveal what was going on behind her back. She didn’t worry about what might happen, and she didn’t fret about what to do. She didn’t need to. She hadn’t been taught to doubt her Self. She hadn’t been taught to dismiss her Intuition. She hadn’t been taught to disregard her own Knowing. Back then, women didn’t need oracles because every Woman was an Oracle.

And she knew it.

Back then, it was obvious that Woman had a direct connection to Divinity. She was, after all, created in the image and likeness of the Great Goddess. She need only be still and ask, for every answer to be given her. That’s just how it was. She was Feminine, and her Femininity made her Powerful. She had Woman’s feelings, instincts, intuition and senses. She intuitively Knew everything she needed to know.

And everyone knew that she Knew.

Women today still have a direct link to Divinity. They still have access to all Knowing, and they still need only ask to receive the answer. Woman’s inherent sensitivity and abilities remain as they have always been. Her intuitive link to all Knowing remains just as it was created within her. The only thing that has changed over the last six millennia is that Woman no longer knows that she Knows.

She was feminine, and her femininity made her POWERFUL!” — Gayle Goldwin

As a woman it is quite refreshing to be reminded of this. But what I am most refreshed about in coming across the works of Goldwin, is her reminder of why self-love for every woman is her one true nature:

Women then needed joy and fulfillment in their lives, just as women now do. But women then were taught that they would find it within themselves — in the activities, pursuits and pleasures that they enjoyed… Back then, women understood their power over men. How- ever much a woman might enjoy having sex, she will never need it as Man does because Spirit’s life-sustaining flow is always coursing through her body. Women then understood the magnitude of the gift — the vital Life Force Energy that maintains a body’s health — that they bestowed on men through their sexual favor. They recognized their power and used it to command due respect and appreciation. — Gayle Goldwin

This mini lesson of intuition is one that I intend to continue to explore. Especially given that it’s universal and is what keeps us all connected to SOURCE. Please check out the works of both experts mentioned in this post. And if you are a woman like myself, or you desire to better understand the nature of women, download a free chapter from Goldwin’s website. It is DEFINITELY worth the read.

I AM so full of gratitude for being brought to this place in my journey of GREATNESS! It is always my hope that you too feel the love of GOD and the Universe as a result of coming right here, right now.



P.S — I haven’t checked it out completely myself, but this video about intuition may be pretty cool. Check it out and let me know! ?


Originally published at bcstarks.com on August 27, 2014.