What do you do when you are feeling ugly and just not together? How do you handle that feeling? I’ve been dealing with wisps of that feeling for decades. Let me try to describe it.

You try to do something that’s important to you. But you don’t feel beautiful and that makes you feel vulnerable and less worthy and capable. You still try to soldier on. You catch a glimpse of yourself though and you crash. You feel like absolute shit. Your hair is all over the place. Your outfit sucks. You’re too fat. You’re just totally out of wack.

And there’s no hope. It’s all desperation. Absolute desperation. And you feel like there is nothing that you can do.

Except that there is.

In moments like these what I realize is that I need to get a grip. I need an action, something tangible that brings me back to myself. Something that automatically refutes the horrible story swirling around in my head. Something that makes me not want to cringe and instead want to step out and even possibly stand out.

It becomes my talisman.

What has that been for me? A simple tube of lipgloss. Something as innocuous (big word for seemingly insignificant) as that.

With a simple tube of lipgloss, I get to put it on and become polished again. I get to be choosing how I present myself and how I look. I get to be in control again. With that simple act of putting it on, I become an active participant again in my life. It’s not happening to me. I’m happening to it. I am the master creator and I get to decide what things mean and how I will let them affect me.

It seems complicated but trust me, it works every single time. It works to calm my nerves. To get me out of my head. To get me to say to myself — there Leah, you are the bomb. You look beautiful. You are worthy. Rock this out girl!

I’d like for you to try it the next time you are struggle with your self-image. I choose lipgloss because it’s so easy and simple. Yours could be lipstick, again because it’s so simple. Choose one for yourself and let me know how this little exercise in empowerment works for you ☺.


Originally published at www.leahpatterson.com.