In general, we are shallow breathers. We only use the top 10 to 15% of our lungs. An interesting circumstance, given that oxygen is such an important source of nutrition and a crucial healing element for the human body. Many nutritional and care products add oxygen to enhance their performance. The interesting idea here is that through inhaling more air, through deeper breathing, we increase the amount of oxygen available to our own body.
Any growth or healing process goes faster with higher levels of oxygen in the blood circulation system, and the easiest way to obtain this oxygen is through breathing in more air. We are surrounded!
Seems a simple concept, but it is not the common practice. One of the familiar and easiest technique used for increasing oxygen intake is sport. When we run or play and push our body, it automatically demands more air by making us breathe harder. Body wisdom knows it needs more oxygen, so it increases the rate of breathing. We even push ourselves really hard and go to levels of discomfort. In high school I was on the track and field team and I was a strong 400 meters runner. I experienced tremendous discomfort at the end of every race.
The other end of the spectrum is no physical activity, much like the activity of writing this article. If there is no activity to bring on the higher rate of breathing it is important to find another way to increase the intake of oxygen. There are ways of achieving this, and deep conscious breathing is the most direct method available to anyone at any time. Relaxation One is an application designed to help with this and there is the added bonus of reminding you to tune into the moment. Paying attention to your breath is a great way to reconnect to your body, to yourself and to where you are here and now. There are so many breathing techniques available to us from ancient practices. Like so many aspects of living, we seem to have forgotten wisdoms of the past. Many live in the illusion that modern society represents a pinnacle in the evolution of knowledge or a climax of wisdom. We seem to confuse advanced electronic circuits as wisdom, while it is just an aspect of intelligence.
This very information is coming to you through a smart phone or computer and we position the capability of the device as more important than the information being delivered. The phone is the servant! Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is the sacred gift, and the rational mind is its servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the sacred gift.”
In order to awaken the intuitive mind, we must first quiet the rational mind. Relaxation One, the relaxation app, is about turning the smartphone into a centering tool. The very device that distracts can be used for centering. The scheduling tools are for setting reminders to check in with self. Taking a minute to tune into what you are, and where you are, and then check in with who you are, then carry on.
Deep conscious breathing is a great technique for relaxation, it changes your heart/mind coherence. It can be done anywhere and anytime. Another side effect of re-establishing connection to self, is a sense of peace and balance. This is Mindfulness, and it all starts with connecting to the moment, and being here now. Changing your heart/mind coherence leads to better focus and to a better state of mind and better health.
Take a Break, Breathe and Be.