So, the first time I tried, I wanted to paint a picture of a scenery I found on the internet. I imagined a perfectly painted, well-blended picture but in the end, I just wanted to throw the paper away. I’m glad I didn’t, because I am getting better and looking at that first painting always makes me laugh at how disappointed I was. The second time I tried, I added so much water, the paper could easily tear. Anyway, I kept trying because even though the projects were not turning out so good, I developed a liking for painting. I decided to leave sceneries for skilled artists and stick to simple pictures to paint and that turned out well. With time, I got better and even received compliments from my family and friends when I showed them what I had painted.

My cousin also decided to try it and she also got hooked very soon. Now all we had to was find a Facebook page to get art supplies delivered at our house which we did. The day we received the parcel, we were beyond excited to try out these new acrylics that we got. Little did we know *sigh* that acrylics are another headache (don’t get me wrong, all I am trying to say is that they are harder to blend) and how watercolors are our best friends. We sat on the roof, listened to some calm and happy music and painted. Even though we didn’t like how it turned out, I can undoubtedly say it will be one of our favorite memories from this quarantine. Now the two of us paint occasionally, on our own and together as well, depending on our moods, but the good news is that we are getting better. It helps us take our mind off of things and is a great therapy for destressing yourself.

So, all in all, a happy ending, yay!

If you are also looking to try something new, painting should definitely be on your list because you will love it for sure! Guess that’s enough for writing about painting for today, I gotta go paint something now!