The Raw & Real Series: Tolerating
Imagine for just a minute what it would look like if we could ALL stop doing shit under the auspice of being a “good” person.
Think about it:
How much do you tolerate?
And what does your answer say about you?
I can tell you what it’s shown me about myself.
I don’t give a f*$# about me.
I have been addicted to seeking approval. Comfort.
Instead of my own freedom.
It showed me how full of shit I was. And how much I hated myself.
Taking scraps. Tolerating. Across the board.
I tolerated everything I did in my life because I have felt “less than.” Unimportant. Disposable.
Like I never should have been born.
So I took what I could get.
That’s the truth I have looked in the eye, and the aftermath is overwhelming.
I’d go as far as to say this realization has annihilated me.
I was raised by a hurt woman; the hurt she experienced made her cruel. Punishing. Malicious. I clearly still bear the scars.
But in all fairness, life turned my birth mother into “momma.”
Here’s what I know:
People vibrate at a frequency. (Fact.)
And I’m DONE f*$#ing with anyone who doesn’t elevate my vibration.
If it doesn’t work for me, I’m not going to do it.
I may be full of questions and doubts and uncertainties …
But I KNOW I am DONE tolerating.
Venus Opal