Regina Louise is the bestselling author of Somebody Has Led This Child to Believe and National Bestseller of Somebody’s Someone. Her Lifetime film, “I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story,” tells her story of how life was like as an orphan navigating through the troubling foster care system after failing more than 30 placements. During Easter weekend, Lifetime premiered Regina Louise’s film, “I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story.” The film features stars Ginnifer Goodwin, Angela Fairley, Kim Hawthorne, Sherri Saum, and Monique Coleman.
As the film chronicles her incredible life story, Louise is sure to empower many others and inspire others to never give up. The month of May in honor of National Foster Care Month and Mental Health Awareness Month.
The road to wellness and identity can be long when you have a challenging childhood. It is important to create a base for yourself, and get to the root of who you are as a person. Below are three recommendations that author Regina Louise gives for adults who have grown up in the foster care system.
Feel. It is important to feel first. Do everything you can to stay connected and learn your attachment style. Make sure that based on your trauma, you have not adopted an unhealthy attachment style. There is a starving child that lives beneath the surface of it all. It’s a hungry hole that wants to be fed. Seek help in your process toward emotional wellness. Grow that good enough caregiver inside that is able to tend to your own needs. Help someone else. There is power in your story. Share your experience with others and help them navigate their challenging circumstances. |
To purchase Regina’s books, please visit her website: www.iamreginalouise.comWatch “I Am Somebody’s Child: The Regina Louise Story”: |