I think as humans we tend to underestimate the possibilities for our future. As kids, we have these wonderful dreams of being giants on top of the world. We want to cure the incurable, walk on the moon, and fight crime, but often times life gets in the way and our dreams are deferred. That doesn’t mean we have to give up on ourselves, but it does sometimes require that we shift gears and go down a different path other than what we initially expected. But what if the road ahead is brighter than what we think? What if the doors we tried to go through wouldn’t open for a reason? These are questions we ask ourselves. These were questions I asked myself.
Throughout my own career I knocked on many doors that wouldn’t open and I could never fully understand why. I blamed myself. I thought there was something wrong with me. Perhaps, I was too old, didn’t know the right people, or didn’t have the right skills and education. I never stopped to think that maybe those particular doors weren’t the ones I was supposed to go through. Perhaps, what I was looking for wasn’t waiting on the other side. I believe all things happen for a reason and even when we don’t understand what’s in front of us or even what lies ahead, there is definitely a purpose for it. I’ve learned in life, although the path we set out on will have its twists and turns, our journey will always be upon the road we are destined to be on.