Thank God for Liz Gilbert’s jet lag.
Click her late night post from India below to glean all the goodness meant just for your ears.
My hEARt loved this sentence: “You’re not a Fortune 500 company, you don’t have to show an increase in profits.”
This year – more than any other — I treated myself exactly like an impatient, intolerant and volatile CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I failed my expectations and profit forecasts repeatedly, and my inner-CEO has been pissed.
My end-of-year review has been going on for weeks and it hasn’t been pleasant:
You said you would produce at least one Love Forward Talks event this year! (Successful event that occurred on 11/11/18 in Pasadena, CA!)
Your new book came out on January 1, 2019 and you are nowhere near your book sale expectations!
You have a project to bring love and kindness to the C-Suite and it is nowhere near where it should be.
Bringing love and kindness to the C-Suite? That’s my suite! I am the CEO of my life. I haven’t treated my employee with love and kindness, I have only beaten her with a stick: More! Better! Now!
My CEO has compared me with everyone I know: Look at HER book sales? Soaring! Look at HIS following! Look at who loves HER book! What is wrong with you? She is kicking ass! He isn’t dropping any balls!
My CEO recently showed me the painting I created on New Year’s Eve last year, setting goals and creating a lovely vision of my 2019. She pointed to each element in the painting and screamed: Look at that! You achieved NONE of it!
My CEO told me that the spiritual work, the service work, the attention to my heart and my friends’ hearts were not furthering my dreams.
My CEO pointed to money going out, not coming in.
My CEO didn’t give me proper credit for all I did on my own. For instance, a podcast every single week! And all with a full time job, to boot!
I was paralyzed by how much I should have been doing to further the success of all things Superhero of Love this year. My CEO did not pull me into her office to give me the guidance my heart and goals needed. She didn’t do her job.
So, the only thing to do on the brink of 2020 is fire that CEO: You’re fired!
It’s time for me to stop treating myself like a Fortune 500 company, to start treating myself as a Superhero of Love company, and to bring love and kindness to my own C-Suite.
It’s time for me to take care of my heart and dreams in a new way. I’m hiring a new CLKO — Chief Love & Kindness Officer — with the following qualifications:
- Must understand that my heart’s health and happiness come first.
- Must prioritize with love.
- Must bring me into the office when I am feeling paralyzed or less than.
- Must get me the support I need to achieve my dreams in a way that works for everyone.
- Must remind me that the only bottom line I need to worry about is how loving and kind I am being to myself and others.
I’ll be reviewing resumes over the coming days and interviewing all the best candidates for CLKO. Together we will move gently into the new good year.
In the meantime, let’s listen to this genius as we prepare to leap into 2020.