The second quarter of 2020 brought a blow to the world – pandemic crippled everyone. The young, old, children and even pets are suffering. With lockdown, some of the most affluent countries came to a standstill. Although everyone is suffering, the most challenging period is for the physically disabled. Not just keeping themselves safe from this situation but also to combat the significant psychological issues. 

Most physically disabled people suffer significant mental ailments during a pandemic. A few problems are isolation from society, poor or no access to medical facilities, delay in care, sluggish medication, and other medical equipment. The increase in depression and anxiety eventually leads to significant heart problems and sleep disorders.

Life with a disability is very challenging, and when there is a pandemic situation with lockdown, it becomes more difficult. The pandemic results in a severe risk to physically disabled people. If you are one of them, then you would experience significant disruptions in everyday life.

How to combat mental illness during covid with a disability?- Michael Osland 

  • Hand washing, face covering, and social distancing are basic precautions you must adhere to. But with a disability, there are certainly more things you must follow to protect yourself.
  • Get plenty of sleep and physical rest during the pandemic. Make the most of it by relaxing and keeping the negative thoughts away.
  • Keep the mobility vehicle or equipment also clean all the time. You may use wheelchairs, walkers and crutches, or any other equipment, sanitize the handles and places that come in frequent physical contact. 
  • Wear gloves in public spaces and dispose-off on every use. Discuss with your caregiver to help you with easy spray bottles of sanitizer and a bulk supply of gloves. If you feel uncomfortable wearing a face mask, look for options of a face shield. It will give you more room to breathe and keep you safe from the transmission.
  • Plan for the communication ways well in advance. Please make use of the technology more and avoid stepping out unless it’s essential. Create social networking groups and connect with like-minded people online. Social media is one of the best ways of interacting with other people. 
  • You can order supplies online, get takeaways. Order the personal care and medications over the phone or online. If you are capable of cooking, then plan meals at home. During the time of emotional distress, home base works are ideal for feeling positive and active. 
  • Take that extra travel time to eliminate chaos and distress during a pandemic. If you have a doctor’s appointment or need to step out of the house for vaccination, book a slot that provides home visits. You can also speak to the healthcare team to offer online services like repeat prescriptions.

Michael Osland advises sharing your simple joys with your loved ones. Do not let your disability becomes an obstacle. Thank your caregivers for every visit. You can make something like a fresh breakfast, some handmade souvenir, or even a card – when you share the joy with people who care, you eliminate your problems. Mental happiness is easy if you take the right approach at the right time.
