One needs to understand the value of releasing negativity. Whether it be negative thoughts or a negative situation, one needs to realize the value of choosing to release the negative state they’re in.
Keep in mind that negativity is energy.
When you are unable to stop the pattern of negative thinking/thoughts/feelings, you are consuming energy that could have been put to good use; when you change the energy inside you and around you, especially to a positive one – you start to feel better, have a great day and will be on the road to a more joyous, fulfilling lifestyle.
Below are some action steps I highly recommend for taking as I have found amazing results when I adhere to the simple steps below:
1.)Choose to Stop.
Yes, this is possible.
We can choose to stop thinking the negative thought we’ve been shouldering around.
It is, however, easier said than done, sometimes we just want to wallow in our sadness and take it all in – and that’s totally fine, and in fact healthy – but what’s unhealthy is when we choose not to stop. And so, there comes a day where we have to stop the negative thought that is not serving us… and then we go to Step 2.
2.) Tweak the negativity.
Whenever a negative thought/statement comes to mind – I tell myself “Surely, this negative situation happened, but on a positive note, (insert a positive outcome that happened in your day/ a positive side effect that came out of the negative situation).
3.) Get out of the negative situation.
Whether it be friends/family that’s going down the rabbit hole of pessimism, please remember that you can choose to leave the situation.
You can choose to stop being in it.
You can choose to disengage in an activity that does not help you/ lift you up.
4.) Bask in nature.
One does not need to go into the mountains/out of grid to soak nature in.
Nature is everywhere.
Appreciate everything and all that is around you, one example is by simply basking within ourselves.
When you can get up without needing assistance, breath in without needing an oxygen tank and open your eyes – that my friend is nature at its finest.
5.) Smile and say thank you.
The basic right conduct we were taught from the time we could talk is sometimes forgotten. Look around you, say thank you for nature that is you and what’s around you. Thank your partner/significant other. Thank the day for waking you up in your best. Thank your surroundings. Thank your dog for being a good boy. Thank your body. Just be plain thankful.
I guarantee you’ll have a great start to your day.
Repeat for life.