Expert Photographer Anton Ortigas is someone who enjoys the modalities and intricacies of the corporate world. Anton earned an M.B.A and today, is one of the youngest country managers of a company stationed abroad.

He is widely known as a trendsetting photography Influencer on Instagram and is the proud owner of an F&B franchise. 

Setting The Tone

Standing out in the photography niche requires a lot of outside the box thinking. It’s safe to say that the photography industry is one of the most competitive niches on Instagram. 

Newcomers often find themselves drowned in the endless stream of content and quickly call it quits. 

Anton surpassed these beginner problems by approaching photography from an unconventional perspective. Each photo Anton takes features his unique take on lines, shapes, and colors. 

Most of his content on Instagram were curated during trips to different parts of the world. Every budding photographer who’s yearning to make a name for themselves on Instagram could learn a thing or two from Anton’s journey on the network.

Inspiring Lives

To Anton, Social media provides an escape, a means of discovering new inspiration and breathing spaces in other realities. Staying true to oneself and curating different content from the standard generic ones seen on social media will take you a long way.

With over 90,000 followers on Instagram, Anton has inspired many through the uses of inciting and expressive imagery.

Apart from photography, Anton is actively involved in the corporate world. Getting to where he is today took a lot of wits and courage.

Overcoming Challenges

When he was young, he found himself managing his family’s business. It was hard for him to improve corporate culture when he took over because older employees wouldn’t listen to his new approach to business and were resistant to change.

After a while, Anton figured out the best path to follow was to lead by example. He implemented programs within the company that enabled his employees to make decisions and lead their teams independently.

This brought about a sense of ownership within the company and led to positive growth and unity amongst staff.

Staying relevant in the business world

The corporate world is as saturated as ever, and with new business and firms being created every day, it’s almost impossible to craft out a unique voice for your company.

Anton’s hack to this is Top Management.

Top Management refers to the highest-ranking executives responsible for the entire enterprise.

This helps translate company policy into goals, objectives, and plans, and projects a shared-vision of the future. 

Another tip Anton suggests is that you focus on service improvement. Improving your services lets your customers know that you’re not just trying to sell them the same stale product but a better and upgraded offering.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your to crushing it like Anton Ortigas.