I’m hearing so much focus on getting ‘through’ the end of the year and starting a new 2021. But what are we really focusing on for the new year? There’s an eagerness to just get through so we can begin a new. There’s an obsession with getting back to normal – yet, were our lives really normal? Hell No!
- The crazy busy
- The long commutes
- The separate dinners
- The never-ending lists
- The inundation of email
- Always connected
Society has conditioned us to run 24/7. Is that truly living and thriving? We’re BE-ings, not DO-ings. Somehow things got mixed up.
So what did I learn from 2020 . . .
- What’s really important; what really matters
- What can I can do without; what really brings joy into my life
- How the ‘home bubble’ got me reconnected to family values & simple joys
- Watching the sun rise and set, is a gift to be alive
And so is it really about going back to normal and forgetting 2020? Or is about shaping 2021 for what really works for you:
- Taking the gifts of discovery that unfolded before us over the last nine months.
- Really knowing who we are and what matters
- The celebration of family & friends and living by our values & beliefs
- Being who you really are
While 2020 may have disconnected us with physical distancing, it’s been a propellant for reconnecting us with our heart and soul.