The current COVID-19 crisis has pushed forward the use of technology to such a degree that every realm of our lives has gone online overnight: services, work, and communications. But the type of innovation now required of mankind stretches far beyond technological, which is only a means, to the realm of true social innovation. Upgrading our human connection, the deepest and most meaningful software of all, is precisely the social innovation which will allow us to survive and safely pass through the 21st Century.
If we treat others with care and are considerate of the surrounding ecosystem, we will thrive in this integral world by becoming similar to it.
Michael Laitman
The global shake-up of the coronavirus has revealed how interconnected and interdependent we really are, and how vulnerable we are in nature’s hands without knowing how to deal with the situation. Humanity is infected with an exaggerated ego. Each of us desires to be better situated than everyone else and strives to constantly gain control over others. This ingrained egoistic attitude is diametrically opposed to the integrality found in the whole system of nature, as has become increasingly apparent.
We have been struck with a remarkable lesson on empathy: we need to think about the welfare of others because, in a circular system like the one in which we live, my well being depends on the well being of others, and the other way around. Therefore, the method of bridging the contradiction between the singularity of the human ego and the wholeness of nature is in the implementation of improved social interactions among us. Groundbreaking innovation in this realm is an absolute requirement, and the way to accomplish it consists of several stages.
Achieving A Social Breakthrough
First of all, we must realize that we belong to one system, one interconnected global family. Second, we must become aware that our future welfare depends on good relations between us, regardless of nationality, origin, gender or color. Third, we must learn and teach the integral laws of nature which can be synthesized as, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and implement them among us immediately.
If we treat others with care and are considerate of the surrounding ecosystem, we will thrive in this integral world by becoming similar to it. Our human desires and intentions are the most powerful force in nature and affect everything that happens in the world. Thus, if we human beings change our attitude toward others favorably, we will systematically immunize ourselves against any potential illness or damage.
This is the transformation we need, a pervasive social innovation that transcends any technological breakthrough. If we manifest mutual responsibility, we will discover in nature enough resources to satisfy everyone. No one will fear anything because no one will lack nothing.
Thus, astonishing social innovations will spring from a more internal approach in our relations, from the closeness of our hearts. This new affinity will help us rise together to a level where we can understand the great purpose of life, the essence of our existence, where we are tightly intertwined just as in a network. Therefore, innovative change in the relations between people will set in motion far-reaching influences within the entire system, positively affecting our health, employment, economics, education, and ensuring a good future for everyone around the globe as one big family.