That is why traveling becomes the only way to completely disconnecting from routine and works.

One of the companies that decided to move out away from the cold weather in Russia is travelplayouts, an affiliate network focused on traveling. A few years ago, they relocated their offices from Saint Petersburg to Phuket, the largest island of Thailand, in a three-story villa near Rawai Beach.

 Tips for traveling.

 1. When traveling we are forced to leave the environment that causes us stress and it becomes less likely that someone calls us to bother us with a problem, so the first benefit of traveling is that it disconnects us from the routine and from people who do not respect our free time, especially if we go abroad and have no signal on the phone. No more annoying calls!

2. Another special benefit of traveling is that being in a completely different place, our body works differently, new sensations cause positive emotions , our pleasure hormones, such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, so secretion is also decreased of cortisol that causes stress, so in a very short time we feel happy and relaxed.

3. When was the last time you could sleep run and rest? With a relaxing trip say goodbye to the pills against insomnia because you will not need them, since you will have the opportunity to sleep in a comfortable hotel room, without being disturbed by the daily noises, and you will be healthily exhausted by the excursions and activities of the day.

4. When we travel our brain changes, we stop worrying about the past, we forget the anxiety for the future and we focus on the present, we take the time to let our imagination fly and reflect on the important things in life, downplaying everything that had been stressing us for some time.

5. Meeting new people and engaging in conversations that are totally different from what you have at home, is totally refreshing for your tired mind of the same, you may meet a simple waiter or a craftsman and the conversation may not be very extensive, but the benefits they are still positive for you.

6. When we travel we usually take greater risks and dare to do different things, among which there would be nothing wrong one day to relax in the spa, one night an exclusive restaurant, a swim in the pool in the moonlight, a walk in bike or anything you do not have the opportunity to do at home, the experience will be unique and your memory will also help you deal with stress when you return home.

7. If the trip is with family or as a couple, it serves to strengthen the bonds of union , as they are surrounded by positive activities, which generate positive emotions and feelings, as a consequence, these stimuli are associated with our loved ones. That is why families and marriages that travel more often have a better relationship and are remarkably less likely to separate.

8. When we travel we realize that life is very short and we should make the most of it , so we give ourselves the best tastes in a great restaurant, play with our children outdoors, laugh more and dare to go further and further, which is recorded in our brain and drives us to continue traveling and enjoying life.

9. People, who take the time to take advantage of their vacations with an interesting and relaxing trip, tend to be more creative and effective in their jobs, because they constantly renew their energy and guarantee progress, so they earn promotions, better remuneration or take the reins to build your own business.
