A quick internet search reveals that the right fitting bra is synonymous with giving you confidence. Whereas an ill-fitting bra does the opposite. The bra advertisers know that our confidence can shift up or down due to our self-belief, especially if we place our worth outside of ourselves. Imagine if building confidence in your own abilities was as easy as putting on a well-fitting bra. You may have realised that it can be, you just need the right support and structure to give you that unshakeable belief.

I am wondering if you know that there are three key values that are the secret that will super charge your confidence. I’m talking a high vibe confidence so you can step into your power and shine your light. Have you noticed that it’s easy to lose confidence if you don’t understand what underpins it? When you learn the secret to unshakeable confidence it all starts to make sense. 

The first ingredient is commitment. You might not have noticed that commitment is a way of being in everything you do. Whether you’re committed to bingeing on Netflix, diet coke or exercise, you are always committed to something. Imagine commitment as a bridge, it’s what you need to create any change you want to make. You need to build the feeling of commitment there first in your mind, that’s where it all begins. 

Sooner or later you realise with commitment you need to go all in. 99% commitment keeps you stuck, but 100% commitment propels you forward across the bridge. To have unshakeable confidence you need to close that 1% gap, whatever it is you are focused on. Starting with your mind first, focus on what it would feel like to be 100% committed, who would you need to BE in your mind first. Sit down in silence, listen to yourself, lean into those feelings and write them down 

I could tell you that most people stay trapped in the 99% commitment club, but you won’t be one of them now… will you?  Often people say that it’s motivation that lets them down, that’s not correct. If you’re 100% committed the motivation follows. You may or may not have realised that commitment alone is not enough to give you the super charged confidence that you need. Now we come to the next part of the formula…

Competence is the ability to do something efficiently.  As you already know, repetition is the master of all learning, the more you do something and push past your comfort zone the more confident you become. It’s just the same as when you were a child learning to tie your shoes laces or ride a bike. 

If you are still in stressed-out perfectionist mode, let me tell you what all my clients who work with me learn, don’t hide your competence under a bushel.  Let people know how good you are, nobody is going to do the job of telling the world how competent you are for you. Perfectionism has tried to keep you safe from fear and rejection. Your mind is programmed to move you from pain to pleasure.  Playing small is stopping you from letting people know how brilliant you are.  There are plenty of people out there who are not as good as you in your zone of genius, are there not? Do they hold themselves back by waiting to be perfect before announcing how good they are at what they do?

No one will do that for you. Ask yourself where else in life you the ambitious perfectionist asks permission first? When you look at the people you most admire, those in your industry who are excelling. Do you think they hold back on telling everyone how good they are at what they do or asked for permission first beforehand?

Sooner or later if you want to build unstoppable confidence, you’re going to need to shine a light on your competency. An awakened imperfectionist (as I call reformed perfectionists) knows that taking imperfect action and becoming more efficient as you go along creates competence which is part of the secret confidence sauce. Now there’s one final ingredient you need to sky-rocket your confidence. 

It is a little thing called CONSISTENCY.  It’s vital but easy to dismiss, is it not? Consistency is what binds this sauce together. To be consistent you need to work the same way again and again to become accurate. It’s how our mind learns; you have to keep showing up for yourself. Have you realised that when you’re not consistent you start to lose confidence, as you don’t see the results you expected? This is when most people give up.

Ask yourself, has there ever been a time in your life when you were consistent in pursuing a goal and you achieved it? Now sink into how that felt. It felt good, did it not? Maybe that feeling was confidence, that you were committed, competent and consistent in reaching your goal. Notice that on its own consistency is important but mixed with commitment and competence you have the unshakeable foundations for self-assurance in all areas of your life. Now you understand why consistency is so important. It’s a way of BEING you need to adopt to up level from where you are now, and the payoff is confidence.It’s a simple formula to remember, is it not? I wonder how long it will take for you to discover that unshakeable confidence is within your easy reach when you bring these three C’s into your way of being.