Making people feel good is like a compulsion for a lot of us. We have this urge to see to it that people we care for and even random strangers are happy and content all the time. Such selfless care for others is so heart-warming and it really does help you to feel better about the world. 

But what can you do to make someone feel good? Well, there’s quite a few things, of course, and they’re all quite straightforward which is nice. Here’s just some of the list of simple things you can do to make people feel better about who they are and their lives in general.

Give Your Time Freely

So you’re someone who isn’t sure how to reach people and make them feel good. That’s okay. What you should really aim to do is to give you time freely. 

Giving your time to somebody really can be quite important for consolidating and improving relationships. You want to make sure that people are happy, and that’s a given. But at the same time, you’ll obviously want to invest your time wisely so that you get some joy from the experience. 

The happy medium in all of this is to give your time freely. Spend it with the people who make you happy and let them know how much they mean to you. Today is a gift that you’ll never get back, after all – so spend it wisely. Even if you go to the cinema or find some fun activities to do around the house, you’re still impacting someone’s life in a positive way. 

Listen to People

Perhaps one of the best things that you can possibly do for someone is to listen to them when they need someone just to sit and help them work out what to do for the best. 

We will have something in life which is a challenge for us. Something difficult to try and work out. When you want to be able to move forward with life as a person, you really do have to stop and think about how you’re going to tackle that problem. 

It’s very helpful to have someone around though – someone who will listen and help you when you need it. A friend who can help with all the challenges that you face and help you to really explore all the options. If you are that friend for someone, then you will no doubt start to see how it can be so incredible to offer your time. Plus, it makes them feel really good that someone is prepared to listen to them. 


Bring People Up, Not Put Them Down 

If you’re going to make people feel good about who they are and what drives them, then you probably need to make sure that you are doing your best to bring them up and not put them down. 

We live in a really critical society. Everyone has a judgement to make about something and no one is interested in listening to the words of others. It’s quite worrying because there’s a lot of things which can impact people’s lives, and the comments do not help. 

Anyone can say something critical and make people feel worse. But it takes a special kind of someone to make others feel better about who they are. Be that person for people – build them up, make them feel like they can be more than what they are currently, and just aim to be an overall positive force. It will really make such a difference in the long run if you can be what people need and deserve. 

Be There 

The last thing in a list of a few simple things that you can do for other people is to just be there when times are rough. Everyone struggles and everyone goes through these difficult patches in life. It’s not fun or easy but people have to try and get on the best they can. 

One of the best things that you can do for people is just to be there when times get tough. Make sure that they know just how appreciated they are, because it’ll make them have a better grip on everything and make sure they feel good. 


Overall, it’s definitely not easy to make sure that you are doing things to make people feel good. You can definitely do a lot for people, and it’s not easy but it can be incredibly worthwhile if you can just aim to give them little things. No one’s asking you to make incredible sacrifices or give up everything to help others. That’s not what people want anyway. But there’s a lot that you can do for people to make sure that they feel good, and it’s all easy. 
