March is a celebration of women, a month where we gather the clan, the warrior women and give thanks for all that we were taught, all of the battles we have won and for celebrating the accomplishments of all things female. While I too raise the warcry, I also recognize those wonderful strong men who are there for us, who support us, who see that we aren’t the frail species and who know that we are more than capable, equal partners. We just need to not always shoulder the world every now and then. I’m grateful for the men who see that.
I am not a feminist. Hear me out. I’m not going to put on my boots and march with those who feel oppressed, who see mankind as a thing to keep them from reaching their own potential. Each one of us regardless of gender has the ability inside of them to rise. It is our own belief system and experiences that keep us from doing so. It is our own spirit and determination or lack thereof that prevents us from rising. There are those who do not have that firm knowledge that whispers to us and says “I can”. It is my firm belief that racism, sexism are taught from the cradle. It is what our parents instill in us, it is what we hear in our homes growing up, the way our parents interact with each other, how we see the world in our classrooms, it is what young men and girls see and hear in music, in literature, and on tv.
Ironically enough, it was a man that helped me to see my potential. A man that I know who had a strong woman as a mother who taught him that women can be both CEO’s and wives, cook a meal and close deals in Louboutin heels. I thank mothers like that. The kind that teach their sons that we may be delicate flowers, but just watch us when we are in full bloom. with the right care, roses bloom and become something beautiful. Strong women leave behind a lingering memory. They don’t care what others say, they do it anyway.
When it comes to women, I tend to stick with those who choose to lift up other women. I’m not one for gossip, and tend to stick with gal pals who share the common goal of shared experiences, how to make our voices matter, and grow our souls as well as our business contacts. I want to be a woman that my own mother would have been proud of, my grandmother as well. I see so many today that haven’t found that balance, who fear stepping up, and who do not know how to navigate the rough seas of the corporate world. I’ve never felt oppressed because I was a woman, I never personally saw inequality in any of the fields I’ve worked in. Respect is earned regardless of what gender you are. My role models were those who went before us, family, and once again, it all boils down to how you were taught to see each other in the home.
How can we help? Teach your children. Lead by example, and leave a legacy behind. Let them say “Mom did it anyway, so why can’t I?”