Hi everyone and welcome to my latest mental health article, this article is to share a solution, you and businesses can use in the coming months, and perhaps years to discover the unexplored COVID-19 Business Opportunities.
Firstly, though I’d like to share a few tips to help you personally through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Like me, in all likelihood, your life is going through a considerable uncertainty being caused by Coronavirus which the world that we all share is currently experiencing, and for sure it’s bound to be taking a significant toll on your mental health.
Perhaps you’re experiencing self-isolation for the first time in your life, and maybe finding the impacts emotionally, physically and mentally challenging to get to grips with. Whether you have a pre-existing mental health condition/illness or if perhaps you’re experiencing one for the first time such as anxiety, depression or loneliness.
For myself, I’ve found the self-isolation easier to cope with than most because I’ve experienced this most of my life. If like me, you too have suffered from poor mental health in the past, it may have left both and your mind housebound. So, remember if you have, use the lessons you know worked from your previous lived experience to help you through, just as I am.
Having lived with Epilepsy, OCD and other mental hell problems that caused me to self-isolate many times in my life, sometimes for over several months, it awakened in me the desire to be well again. It is this desire that eventually leads me to hire many professionals to heal my pain. Each person I had worked with is what helped me ultimately go to the best educator and human behaviour specialist.
My commitment to working with this first-class educator who on many occasions, saved my life it’s given me even more reasons to be grateful to the multitude of past mental health illnesses. My coach awakened the genius in me and taught me that I could cope with life’s adversities, and I can turn them in opportunities for growth. So if you are struggling, as mentioned, try to remember that you may have gone through and gotten through this before.
Many of the work colleagues I know are finding it hard to deal with the uncertainty. Still, very few use this time too, just like me, invest in a great coach or a mentor that can help them learn about themselves, awaken their greatness, and discover how they too can transform their life event at times when everyone else is panicking.
My regular, face to face monthly coaching sessions with Tony has now been turned into Skype Crisis Management Sessions. In my last consultation with him, he helped me demystify the COVID-19 Self Isolation, and the loneliness it brought was helping me, business owners and humanity. Something he beautifully writes about in his bestselling and multi-award-winning book #Loneliness you can download from iTunes http://bit.ly/LonelinessiTunes or read it on Kindle from http://bit.ly/LonelinessKindle
So to help as many of you as I possibly can, here is my daily routine Tony helped me create that you too can use to help you grow through Corona Virus Crisis:
· Do a Morning meditation – Great for calming your nerves
· Update Your Gratitude Journal – Great for Self- Reflection
· Recite Balanced Affirmations – Great for Nurturing Your Mind
· Use Social Media to Serve Others – I love sharing on social media so that millions can be inspired by my mentor Tony J. Selimi’s incredible clarity, wisdom and method
· Spend an Hour a Day to Read Books – Tony’s books will liberate your body, mind and soul.
· Write What Inspires You – Love writing articles that support people with mental health problems
· Eat Healthy and Take Regular Breaks – Will keep your immune System Healthy
· Meditate Before You Got to Bed – Using Tony’ guided meditations will help you sleep better and awaken fresh.
· Limit Your Corona News – Tony’s advice is to spend a maximum ½ hour of watching the news to keep yourself updated on what’s going on in the world and use the rest of the time to do things that inspire you.
The above action list Tony helped me will help you too get through the day, and stay away from the sensationalism of Facebook, News, Media, most importantly it is excellent for your mental health also.
Another thing Tony helped me see is how many businesses, instead of supporting their employee’s wellbeing, they give in to panic and the temporary situation, which in the long term, is a counterproductive strategy.
More than ever, I now see the importance of hiring someone like Tony J. Selimi to support employees mental health while at home. They could hire him to deliver group and individual Skype sessions and explore opportunities for growth, and help them calm their nerves.
The long term financial, mental, emotional, and business impact of COVID-19 is undeniable, I believe this is the moment businesses can mobilise experts like Tony to deliver great mental health support for their staff, and the overall company. Perhaps now is the most crucial time businesses invest in someone like Tony J. Selimi, whose breakthrough results I have experienced in myself and the many of his clients I had the fortune to meet.
His groundbreaking TJSeMethod: ALARM™ I use daily can help employees isolated at home as well as the business leaders to cope better when unforeseen adversities strike. He has helped many of his clients via Skype innovate, create and deliver solutions to support the current crisis. One of the clients I know, he helps turn her restaurant business entirely online in six weeks, keep her staff and made more profits than before Covid19. I know, companies who hire Tony do so to create future business models and systems that are more robust.
Most businesses are not taking measures to support their employee’s mental health. Yes, it’s a bit of an unknown space to navigate as we’ve never faced a situation such as this pandemic for over 100 years.
Many of the people I know have contacted me to share how, despite asking employees to stay home, no forward movement has taken place when it comes to supporting employees mental health.
The use of outdated methods to support employee mental health through this crisis is not sufficient anymore. A vast majority of employees are fearful of using them in the first place. Perhaps now is the perfect time to take your company into the 21st century and out of the dark ages when it comes to supporting employee mental health. It is why I know, hiring a leading expert such as Tony J. Selimi is an investment that will pay multiple times over and over.
I have seen how Tony helps many of his clients reframe, reinvigorate and revitalise their leadership and company employees, which can also be beneficial to every employee and company out there. It is also essential to do this work now so on their return to the office, they are ready, may this interview inspire you as much as it inspired me in the making of it.
Offering your employees mental health support now is a wise thing to do, because when this pandemic ends, which it will, if your employees return to work with all the psychological trauma COVID-19 brought in their life, and most definitely they will, you will have to deal with a whole new set of employee problems created by the Corona Virus, such as:
· Financially they may be struggling
· Emotionally, mentally they may be traumatised and developed PTSD
· Depending on how the company responded during the COVID-19 shutdown some may likely harbour resentments towards Leaderships
· They may have lost loved ones or colleagues to COVID-19
· Some of their colleagues may have been made redundant, and these working relationships may no longer exist for them
We usually all have colleagues whom we are closer to than others, colleagues whom we trust more than others, and are likely to confide in more than others, and some of these relationships may have vanished for them.
So if employees are struggling just now, and perhaps as a business, your only thinking in the now, maybe it’s best to take into consideration how their working environment will be on their return. As it’s unlikely to ever be the same, along with how much mentally, physically and emotionally COVID-19 may have changed them, their mindsets and their lives.
COVID-19 has caused havoc financially to many companies. However, a few have thrived, and it will do for a long time to come. Now is your time to make supporting your employee’s mental health a severe priority.
Paul McMonagle
Piping Supervisor, Workpack Engineer, and an Ambassador for Mental Health
P.S. During the COVID-19, Tony works on a virtual basis with clients all over the globe, facilitating the solution to their everyday problems, realisation and accomplishment of their personal and professional goals. Words are not enough to thank him for what he has done for me, my mental health, how well I perform at work and cannot recommend him enough. Don’t suffer alone, book and solve your immediate problems by booking a Crisis Skype session with him, providing there is a compelling fit of values and vision, please email his PA Alma at [email protected] and hire an expert who can help you develop strategies that are exact to your requirements. For more information visit https://tonyselimi.com