Have you ever experienced that feeling of standing in front of a door and contemplating whether you should push it or not? 

That door could lead to a new job, a new creative project, a new relationship, a new country, a new business, a new dream come true, a new fascinating unknown. But It could also take you into a dead-end a few miles down and maybe you will not find your way back. Maybe you will be lost and confused. Maybe not.

The truth is that we don’t know what’s behind a new door.  We never knew and we will never know.  We may have believed the illusion that we do and many of us half-consciously still close our eyes to pretend that we have it under control. 

It’s madness to continue feeding the illusion that we can control life. It’s not only mad, it’s also not necessary really. The only reason we stick to strategies that give us the impression that we control our lives is because it makes us feel safe and we look like we are somehow in charge.

What about trading the illusionary feeling of safety for miracles?

If you look at miracles as the “shift in perception from fear to love” as American Author Marianne Williamson defines it, this is really what we are all deeply yearning for, isn’t it? Each one of us in our own ways and our unique relationship with love are yearning for this homecoming.

Isn’t it about time we trade our human story of fear, disconnection, lack, survival, war, domination for an Earth story of love?  

The equation of our economy doesn’t work: we hoard the (finite) resources of the planet to produce more and more goods which generate waste. The lifecycle of our economy is not only  unsustainable; it is also disconnected from the way of Nature. 

In Nature, there is no waste and there is no paradigm of hoarding. The lifecycle of Nature is one of balance between all parties of the ecosystem and we humans are part of that ecosystem. 

We humans have lost our way because we believed in fear and feed our actions from a basis of fear. Luckily, this is changing.

There is an increasing movement around the circular economy, there is an increasing awakening around the world that feeds social and economic action towards healing  our relationships to ourselves, others and the greater world. There is an increasing understanding that we are all connected – not only humans but all that has consciousness. This understanding opens our circle of awareness, consideration and compassion. And we feel the urge to do something for the greater good and find our way back into love, the best we can.

The challenge this awakening brings is that we can get stuck by the shadow of our own fears: we start fighting against terror, crime, waste or we create businesses that will save the planet. These are all the other side of the same coin. It feeds the same paradigm of lack, separation and survival. And meanwhile, we are feeding the same story or its opposite…

It is high time we open ourselves to the zone of miracles because it is in miracles that we can go beyond the thinking that generated the issue in the first place. The zone of miracle doesn’t judge; it has no fear; it has no separation. It is in the zone of miracles that we can engage with others in their otherness without being separated.

There ‘s a way to get there and all of us can access it. We can access it because we are made of miracles and made for miracles.

It takes work though and it also involves looking squarely into our own fears and accepting them; it takes honesty, stamina and perseverance. It also doesn’t mean that once you engage your life at the level of miracles you are exempt from suffering and live in eternal bliss!

But once you start walking that path, it rewards you in ways you cannot imagine or I cannot express in words. You start speaking the language of the universe and access another dimension of love. Your relationships become miraculous and you return home within yourself.

You are now just standing in front of that new door. What will it take you to push it?