In harsh moments, moments of loss, life reflections, new considerations, necessity to adapt and understand, job change, Confucius comes to our rescue, and teaches us something: “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop”.

I’d like to think this way, accompanied by the musical group Five’s song “Keep on moving”. Reflections are essential, to “digest” the daily happenings, re-evaluate conditions, let the time pass by and become stronger and more resilient to what comes next. The best is yet to come, a song that I like to listen to, by Italian rock singer Luciano Ligabue “Il meglio deve ancore venire”. No matter how deeply we suffer, it will all pass.

The positive note about suffering is that we take more time to see our life from an external perspective, we get inspired by the little things that surround us, and we learn from our successes and failures.

Peaches and plums on the road Antsirabe – Antananarivo, new fruits of the season! 8 January 2020

The importance of re-evaluating situations, but most of all, re-valuing ourselves and how we react and behave, when faced with a tough fact, gives us the chance to re-think ourselves in a new light, our strengths, our weaknesses, our skill-set, our capabilities, and to learn something new.

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”.

― George Bernard Shaw

It is essential to dig inside ourselves and find our true nature, what makes us dream, what inspires us, why we are alive and how we can contribute -during the timeline we have on Planet Earth.

Rediscover our Passions and what truly makes us Smile, and what makes our Heart dance of Joy.

Nothing can prevent us from going on a trip (tips 2020 from the New York Times) and say: “You know what, dear World? I love you, but i need some time to breathe and change air. I will be back. With more energy, stronger and happier. Ciao for now.

What I like the most about working is the opportunity to interact with local people in the countries, and discover their art, culture, methodology of transport, and…food advertising on the street city walls! -Atnsirabe, Madagascar 7 January 2020

Sometimes we just need to wake up from the bubble and the turbine of work and see that there is something more out there, waiting for us to go discover. And in the process, we get in touch with ourselves a little more.

The advise is to Dream On. Keep Dreaming On and do not let be brought down by events. Sad and difficult times happen, but, I believe that – via my humble life experience– if we are here on Earth, there must be a reason why.

“Não sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Não posso querer ser nada.À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo”.

– Fernando Pessoa

I am nothing. I will be nothing. I cannot want to be anything. Except for this, I have in me all the Dreams of the World.
Heroes– David Bowie

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring”.

-David Bowie