The person I am today is the result of two women, one is my mother, and the other is a woman who lived in the 19th century.
My mother has always been my best friend. Many people say that they have a close relationship with their mom, but do they tell her EVERYTHING?
My mother knows all about me, including intimate details of my romantic relationships when I was younger. She got married when she was forty, and met my dad through a dating agency. She told me about it when I was twelve and introduced me to the guy that arranged the date. At the time, there was no internet, and dating agencies weren’t popular. It was a bold move against the current. My mom lived an independent life until she decided it was time to find a companion and build a family. She had fun in her life: she went out, dated, did stupid things. That’s why she has never judged me. Her open arms have always been there to protect me and console me. She inspired me to be an independent woman relying on my instinct and passions. When I become a mom, I want to be able to build a special relationship with my children, I want them to feel that they can talk to me about every single thought that passes through their minds.
The only big difference between my mom and I is the travel bug. Margherita was the only person in the family with green eyes and an adventurous spirit. She gave me both. I remember my grandfather telling me her story, over and over, before going to sleep. She was his aunt.
Margherita left Italy in her 20s to go explore South America, she lived part of her life in Uruguay and Argentina. She wanted to make money and build her own fortune. She had romantic relationships with powerful dangerous men and when she had enough, she escaped and ran through the forest with her rifle. When she got older, and her last partner died, she went back to Italy and bought a house in Milan. That’s the house where my family lives.
Margherita inspired me to go see the world and take risks in a positive way, as challenges to grow as a strong woman. Like her, I am a restless spirit, but instead of running through the forest with my rifle, I plan the next trip to nurture my hungry travel bug.
Originally published at