The World Happiness Awards

The World Happiness Awards are an initiative of the World Happiness Fest. Supported by more than 300 institutions and thought leaders all over the world, we are working to bring hope, tools and support to the largest possible number of people, everywhere.


#TenBillionHappyby2050 is our compass and that requires to discover, connect and support communities and individuals committed to a world with more freedom, consciousness and happiness.

The Awards are not a competition, they are an acknowledgment of actions, ideas and initiatives lead from the heart by incredible beings full of gratitude and compassion.

Nominations are welcome all through the year and the announcement of the award recipients happens four times per year for different categories. The 20th of June, September, December and March.

March 20th of 2020 will be the first presentation of the awards, during the World Happiness Fest. Nominations are already open to everyone.

The Nominees and Award Recipients projects will be highlighted at the World Happiness Fest events, online and offline, and will receive public recognition. Moreover, the Award Recipients will receive a full tuition scholarship to attend the Gross Global Happiness program at the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica.

You can nominate an individual or community here.