1. What does WOW means to you?
WOW is a word that means WOW omg I can’t believe it that is amazing !! It is a beautiful adjective that feels like a miracle and impossibility that are possible !!! Lots of explanation points !!!
2. What is your greatest joy being a MOM?
Greatest joy of being a mother is seeing your children thrive daily . There are the ups and downs of life but as I have taught them gratitude and positivity they continue to stay in this mindset . Also teaching them compassion they are kind to others as you never know what someone else is going through . Hunter now 18 a huge accomplishment especially as a single mother and teaching him entrepreneurship always working hard to create your own destiny . Jade 14 a sweet angel but sure has her own opinions as she said I love my mom because she has taught me to be me . Having your own way of thinking and doing there own passions and gifts . I knew awhile ago They wouldn’t really listen to me but that has been wonderful and hard as they truly are independent and individual from love and inspiration.
3. What is your advice to other moms who want follow your footsteps?
I would love to share with other moms to always come from your heart .
This is the hardest job but the most rewarding . Be patient listen to there needs and make compromises daily.
It is important to have other mom friends and know we all go through the challenges of motherhood . The grass isn’t greener and as a single mom my son always reminded me mom you aren’t the only one. In this new era of life a lot of us have had to recreate ourselves over and over . Stay in your blessings and work hard and slowly even one day at a time things will get better . My spiritual practice of yoga and meditation has literally saved my life .
Always sending love out in the world !! Remember it isn’t the destination it is the journey .
Lisa created a company called Soulful Design to help others feel beauty, simplicity, peace and love. Her passion is creating scared spaces with her art and design company with positive and tranquil energy. Lisa joined Coldwell Banker Global Luxury International in Malibu to help clients buy and sell there homes at the best price and live a happier life. She is originally a New Yorker with a drive and zest for life. As a Hollywood designer for 30 years working for every studio.
she bought her first home at 28 and this is how she created this dream lifestyle. From a beautiful oceanfront home in Marina Del Rey, a special beach community , to Topanga a lovely spiritual oasis in Los Angeles. Then moving to Aspen for the color of the snow white her favorite color of purity and dreamy simplicity. Her husband Brian had never been but was from Vancouver Canada a similar mountain beauty vibe. Next stop was Maui Hawaii the island of Aloha and sweet bliss with amazing surfing , sun, coconuts and pineapples. All these properties she was averaging 300,000 thousand a year in equity. She lived in them designed them and most importantly picked special properties in beautiful places. One of her goals which she is already doing in real estate is helping others buy there first time homes. Lisa says “ if I hadn’t bought my first home at 28 as a successful set decorator in Hollywood I would never have had this lifestyle” She is also a dreamer and starts at the top and does the work. Her capacity to connect with all types is one of her gifts and coming from the HEART!!! Then back to Los Angeles she landed in Malibu. A surfers dream as in Maui she was on her board everyday surfing. She traveled to Australian and surfed up to 7 ft waves. Surfing changed her life at that time teaching her if you set your mind to anything you can do it!!! Malibu has stolen her heart and she has brought up two wonderful children in this amazing town. Hunter is 18 now hard to believe and a teen mogul even turning down shark tank kids. Don’t ask !! He has created three companies by himself and his latest company is called Lobster Taxi. Shipping live lobster and seafood around the world. Lobstertaxi.com. Jade her daughter is 14 and signed with La Models and an accomplished dancer with Dancestar in Malibu. She is also an incredible artist and straight A student . That saying the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree is spot on. As a single mother for 10 years her children are her team and biggest accomplishment !!!!! She received the vision award with Siglemom Planet a great non profit organization helping single moms cope with handling how to be a single parent . Lisa has taught her children positivity, love, and to laugh and smile more. “Sometimes we need to be more playful and not take things so serious.” Actually stand up is on her bucket list . She also was offered a radio show which she is very excited about . She will be speaking about love living and laughing a way of life and how she lives. She is doing the show with a man so we have both sides of LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS . Now married and divorced twice her big dream is to find her soulmate and be married again this time making it work and not giving up. “ Dates and men are easy but finding a quality guy who can communicate what he wants isn’t easy. As her dad use to tell her there are at least 5 great women to every man” She truly believes we are here for Love and Connection helping others.She is also passionate about teaching Yoga and Meditation and doing travel retreats around the world next one Costa Rica and Ibizia in Spain. Her audience with her company Soulful Design can be a young girl or boy to a mature adult. Lisa shines bright even through all her ups and downs in life. “Happiness is a choose” I have had lots of money and wonderful marriages and had nothing and alone” “the answer is each day see your blessings which is a reflection of her art design company. Lisa’s goal is to have a soul singer as a business partner in Soulful Design and she knows who that is. Then sell out to a large corporation like coco cola to take her message more worldly. She has announced a giveback the JED Foundation sadly a suicide prevention organization which is a real epidemic now. Stay in Love. Stay in Blessings notice you are blessed and never give up and always inspire others. We are here on this earth to love one another. “Love the life you live and live the life you love “ Bob Marley
email [email protected]
website soulfuldesignbylisa.com
instagram onlyposititve