Written processes please!!!!
Communication can be challenging.
In business, in relationships, in business relationships!
It is surprising to me, the number of companies who do not find value in creating written processes.
When procedures are explicitly stated and available to those who need them, they are an invaluable business management tool.
They answer the who, what, when, where, and why questions about the company’s business processes.
Benefits include:
Standardizing working methods provides audit trails that can improve managerial control
Higher Productivity
Increased Revenue
Operational Excellence
Reduced unit cost to execute a transaction by streamlining processes and allowing companies to better orchestrate resources, increasing productivity
Increase visibility and accountibility
Drive employee performance
Drives speed of execution, and enables them to respond to customer and market requirements faster
Reduced Expenditures: by identifying and eliminating waste and bottlenecks
Highlights improvement opportunities
Improved consistency and control result in better customer service
SO Please send out the memo……..
Yes you do have the time, it will save you much more time later.
Yes it does matter, cutting down on confusion, mistakes, frustration- matters.
Yes people will follow them, if you enforce them with rewards and penalties.
Yes they are valuable, for training, cross training, implementation, continuity.
Written processes are more than just the roadmap to success, they are the GPS!