Ryan Sethi is just 19 years old and is one of the most-talked-about influencers on social media. He has climbed the stairs of success at such a young only because of dedication. He is an active travel blogger and social influencer and is very proud of his job.
The COVID-19 pandemic basically brought the world to a standstill. Moreover, this hampered the world economy at large. Ryan is very touched after observing the conditions of millions around the whole world. However, he was confident enough to take appropriate steps to help the most number of people.
With the joint efforts of some more helpful people and NGOs, Sethi managed to extend a helping hand to so many people. He decided to celebrate this Independence Day with the orphan kids. His family also supported him in this effort and cooked tasty meals for these kids. Ryan has described his immense pleasure through Instagram posts after spending a day with these innocent souls. He always keeps the followers updated about his social activities. He also influences the young generation to think about the improvement of society at large.
Sethi observed that after repeated warnings, also the majority of the people were not taking COVID to be a severe disease. Moreover, most of them are not even wearing a mask. This reality has hit the young man really hard. He thus decided to launch a physical as well as an online awareness program to prevent more spread of the disease. The 19-year old led a small group and went along in the society with a loudspeaker. He later thanked the police and authorities for helping him in this initiative. Controlling the present situation should be the focus of every responsible citizen of the country. Therefore, it is essential that you stay indoors and stop the virus from spreading more.
Along with the posts, he also posted some videos on YouTube as a medium to reach more number of audience. The teenager social influencer is observing all the precautions till now. In his Instagram posts, he also frequently posts the helpline numbers of Government doctors and hospitals. These really helped a lot of people all over the country. Many of his followers expressed their gratitude through a Thank You post on his page. Ryan is never negligent about discharging social responsibility. As a result, more and more people are connecting with him every day and discussing their issues. Within a short time, Ryan has become like a family member of so many people. He even made arrangements to distribute nutritious supplements and medicines to some older people.
Besides being successful at such a young age, he is still caring and tremendously thoughtful about society’s well-being. He is trying to convince people to go by the government’s new norms to avoid the attack of coronavirus. He is also making others understand to accept the infected persons wholeheartedly and stand beside them as a firm support.