It is observed with experiments that a bad physical health lead to increased risk of mental health problems. Conversely, poor mental health can negatively affect your physical health, leading to an increased risk of certain diseases. Not only is it important to think about physical and mental health as a whole, all health with your doctor and therapist; it is also important when considering your own personal care routine and habits. Taking care of yourself is just as important to your physical health fitness (think: food, sleep, exercise) and your mental health.

Since taking care of ourselves is an individual aspect of each of us, there is no right or wrong way to do it. But it is recommended that you set aside at least 20 minutes a day to do something for you. Twenty minutes seems perfectly reasonable!

Recommendation for Mental Health

Striving to understand yourself. This is an important component, which is formed by several processes:

• acceptance of your strengths and weaknesses – an open admission to yourself of what you like and dislike;

• learning to control your emotions – for this it is important to understand the cause of their occurrence;

• revealing hidden talents and potential for solving certain problems – for this it is important to start trying yourself in several areas of activity, to do what is interesting


Nutritious foods are the basis needs of physical health, which has an effect on the psyche if not available. A high quantity of food which containing a large amount of sugar, fat, as well as provoking hormonal imbalance in the body can significantly affect the mental state. A number of diseases are known that provoke emotional instability – pathologies of the thyroid gland and the exchange of its hormones, reproductive diseases, heart disease, etc., and in such situation it is very hard to remain calm and analyze your own thoughts and behavior.

Play Games

It is observed that games play Important rule to get physical fitness as well as mental fitness. It keeping body healthy and in shape. The are two main types of games commonly play, Physical game like football, tennis and online games like Othello, word joining, playok etc . Online games are perfect for mental. Its improve thinking level of human being.

Overcoming addictions

In start, obvious physical ones are smoking, alcohol abuse, and even in some cases unnecessary “automatisms” have no role in the life of a healthy person. Here you need to act very carefully, perhaps with the help of a specialist, especially if the dependence has acquired a stable character and a pronounced degree. Psychological addictions are more complex connections, therefore, they also require the intervention of a specialist. However, they are represented by a painful relationship with another person.

Resistance to stress

According to doctors, stress is a part of the training for self-control and emotional control. However, it is categorized as it includes training in relaxation techniques. What is the benefit if a man understands what events caused certain emotions in him, if he cannot do anything about these events? He can manage it only effectively resist unfavorable factors, and this is the key to success. This can be controlled by playing games and more.
