There is no "one size fits all" solution to heal emotional traumas. You may have experienced some trauma and been able to heal completely with the necessary help. However, not everyone responds in the same way, not everyone is hurt at the same depth, not all traumas leave the same emotional and psychological scars on people.
There are traumas that penetrate too deep into a person's psyche, there are traumas that leave deep scars on the soul, on the mind and on the body.
Each one passes his own process, each one heals at their own pace and each one overcome trauma in its own way. There are wounds that never heal no matter how much time passes, although they do improve.
If you are suffering from trauma, give yourself time, be patient, give yourself space, seek help, let yourself be helped, allow yourself to be vulnerable, cry all you need to cry, seek support, do not suffer alone.
I embrace you in your pain ... but do not forget that you can be strong and lift yourself up!