Lifespans are on the rise thanks to health care access and modern medicine, according to a new study published in The Lancet. Being a woman is beneficial, too.

Researchers estimated the lifespans for babies born in 2030 in 35 different developed countries based on death and longevity trends in each nation. Women were expected to live longer than men in every country, but South Korean women emerged with the longest life expectancy at nearly 91 years. This is no small feat because, as TIME reported, researchers used to think an average estimated lifespan over 90 was pretty much impossible.

The women of France, Japan, Spain and Switzerland followed at 88 years each. Lead researcher Majid Ezzati of Imperial College London told TIME that while genetics are a factor in lifespan, environmental and social factors — like access to health care — may be more important.

It’s not all great news though, at least if you’re American. According to the findings, the U.S. continues to have one of the lowest projected lifespans among developed countries. An American woman born in 2030 is only expected to live to 83 years old, and a man to 80, possibly because, as the researchers pointed out, America is the only “high-income country without comprehensive health care.”

Read more on TIME.

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