Mindfulness, a holistic practice, has shown to be beneficial in reducing stress levels. In turn, this holistic method helps to preserve brain function and prevent cognitive decline. When an individual experiences high levels of stress, it hurts the brain. This impact can manifest in the form of brain shrinkage.

High levels of stress also lead to an increase in the production of stress hormones, which can further damage brain cells. The holistic practice of meditation has been shown to reduce the impact of stress on the brain by lowering stress hormone levels and preserving brain tissue. In addition, meditation has been shown to improve memory and focus. Therefore, the holistic practice of meditation can help reduce the negative impact of stress on the brain and protect cognitive function.

Research has shown that mindfulness practice can positively impact our brain and body, reducing stress levels and improving focus. For example, one key brain area affected by mindfulness is the amygdala. This part of the brain is responsible for triggering our stress response, so by reducing activity in this area, we can reduce our overall stress levels. Mindfulness also helps us focus more clearly.

So, how do you incorporate mindfulness into your daily practice?

Mindfulness is a mindfulness-based stress reduction technique that can be used in daily life to help reduce stress and promote wellbeing. There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily practice. Here are six mindfulness tips:

1. Take a few moments each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply. Notice the sensations of your breath as you inhale and exhale.

2. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions throughout the day. When you notice your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to the present moment.

3. Use mindfulness techniques during everyday activities such as walking, eating, or doing the dishes. Pay attention to the sensations, sights, smells, and sounds around you.

4. Make time for yourself each day to relax and do something you enjoy; this can be anything from reading a book to taking a yoga class.

5. Set aside time each week to practice mindfulness meditation. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, and focus on your breath for 10-20 minutes.

6. Download a mindfulness app or listen to a mindfulness meditation recording. There are many helpful resources available online or in stores.

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. Mindfulness can be applied to anything we do in life, from brushing our teeth to eating lunch. When I first started incorporating mindfulness into my daily routine, it felt strange and unnatural. However, with time and practice, mindfulness has become a habit. I now find myself being more present and aware throughout my day.

Mindfulness has numerous benefits, including reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, and increasing happiness. For me, mindfulness has been a game-changer. It has helped me remain calm in challenging situations and enhanced my productivity. If you are looking for ways to improve your well-being, I would encourage you to try mindfulness. Start by incorporating it into your daily routine, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. Over time, you will likely find that mindfulness becomes second nature.


  • Dr. Tomi Mitchell

    M.D | Leadership Coach| Wellness & Productivity Coach

    Dr. Tomi Mitchell Holistic Wellness Strategies

    Dr. Tomi Mitchell, MD, empowers executives, lawyers, doctors, business owners, and other leaders to eliminate burnout and increase workplace productivity and relationships.  She uses her three-step framework, Embrace, Evaluate & Energize, to empower her clients to have clarity. 

    As a public speaker and trainer, she brings energy to the crowd, captures their attention, and gives them clear, actionable steps to apply immediately to their life. Dr. Tomi Mitchell believes in getting to the root causes of life's challenges, instead of taking a temporary BandAid approach to life. She is a writer, with a book coming out in Summer 2023. She is also the host of The Mental Health & Wellness Show.  To learn more about her framework, check out the following link: Learn More.