What is your story?

We all have one. My own journey of spiritual awakening and integrating that ascension journey into my life changed EVERYTHING… literally. 

It’s this part of my story that I’m about to share with you that inspired me to become a coach and mentor to other conscious women leaders who want to live their purpose and make an impact in the world. 

On the OUTSIDE looking in I had it all, the six-figure job, and all the “things”… but inside it was a different story. I felt empty and unfulfilled and as time went on I began to realize I was a slave to the game. BIG TIME. On top of that, I started to feel stagnant in the work I was doing. I didn’t feel like I was growing anymore. 

I had checked all of the boxes off the list that our compliance-driven society has told us we need to be “successful”.

The chronic stress was really taking a toll, and it became painfully obvious something was missing.

It was my IDENTITY.

I had worked so much and made my work the top priority for so long that I lost sight of who I really was. I couldn’t feel what it was like anymore to REALLY be happy. My heart was calling to me – it was time for a change.

But despite how miserable I felt I continued to ignore my intuition because I was scared to face what I knew needed to be done.

It was a year or two later when my Mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I realized that I could no longer ignore my heart’s call to change the way I was living my life. 

I realized I couldn’t wait any longer when I was flying back and forth to be with my Mom, and I felt obligated to manage various projects and conference calls for work I wasn’t even passionate about anymore, at times while I was next to her bedside. My phone was blowing up and I felt like I couldn’t even be fully present with my Mom who was dying.

That was when I reached my bottom.

At that moment I made a vow to myself that I would create a life on my own terms. That I would be happy and free.

At that moment my courage exceeded my fear. It was like a switch flipped on.

Since then, my story has continued with a lot of ups and downs, growth, success, and joy combined. And I wouldn’t change a thing because you know what?

I AM happy and free.

And as an added bonus I get to help other people change their lives by rediscovering THEIR light and sharing that with the world!

I’m sharing this with you because you need to know that your story is important. You have unique life experiences, skills, and gifts that only you can share with the world.

YOU are one of a kind.

If you’re reading this chances are you’re feeling guided to make a change. This is your sign.

It’s time to change your pain and passion into purpose.

What is your story and what light are you being guided to bring into the world?

I’d love to support you. Connect with me here for a free Clarity Session and let’s chat about how I guide you to fully live your purpose and amplify your impact as a conscious woman leader.