Seemingly not a week passes without something happening, some news breaking or just more updates from our current plight. It’s easy to overlook all the blessings life brings us when we are filled with anxieties and such like and so forth. I try my best to implore people to live their best lives and remain positive amongst such chaos and heart ache that’s affecting us all in one way or another. The world is changing from day to day, more and more is changing in front of our very eyes. For some the past is hard to let go of and for others it’s forgotten but each and every one of us has a story to tell and I’m no different.
My parents were young when I was born and were not best equipped to care for me, for years I blamed them and today I regret it some. At the time I couldn’t understand nor emphasize with their situation but as I’ve grown older and I’ve managed to digest and process how it must have been. I have made many mistakes in life, maybe more mistakes than right decisions but I have always been able to look back and learn. I’ve hurt people, consciously and unconsciously, if you are one of them reading this then I apologize, sincerely and from my heart. I am an imperfect human trying day by day to better myself while all around me seems to be in free fall.
Despite my past experience I am a family woman who has been blessed with a wonderful family, we share, we love, we create and hold each other close. Time is short and these moments are precious. I try my best to pass my teachings on to my child, through all the mistakes I’ve made and there have been many somehow and in some way I’m able to guide him better. The best lesson I have given my son and one that is reminded of daily along with gratitude is love. Love is the key to everything. With love we can defeat anything in this world, with love we are unbreakable, with love there is no war or hate, love is the key to everything.
I’ve been through addictions and I’m thankful that I managed to win, I’ve had suicidal thoughts and again I’m grateful that I defeated those demons also, I have no shame in admitting anything from my life only gratitude that I’m still part of this beautiful imperfect world in which we all live. I have frustrated my dreams in life, I have suffered from greed and envy, I’ve been the subject of betrayal and considerable pain but thankfully I’ve managed to survive everything that’s come my way or been placed in my path.
The point I’m making is nobody is perfect, I’m far from perfect but I’ve also survived every bad day I’ve ever had and that’s got to be worth something. Maybe it’s worth little to anybody but somebody I hope can benefit from my experiences in life. I hope to help as many people as I can and while this world unfolds before our very eyes if I can help even one person along the way it will all be worth it. Be angry, be scared, be frightened, be whatever you want to be and feel whatever you need to feel but never forget the key to survival and that’s love.
Love yourself, love your family and friends and love this life because I promise that’s what will win in the end.