Making Money Is Easy, Staying Motivated Is Harder

When I decided to start my first business, I was worried that I wouldn’t make enough money. However, once I understood the benefits of marketing my services online, work kept coming my way, and soon I had enough work to keep me occupied for eight hours a day. At first, this was great, but after a few weeks of working hard, I realized that I was losing motivation. 

Some days were easier than others as I would work for 12 hours continuously, while other days, I felt I couldn’t get into a rhythm and didn’t work as effectively. Because I was working for myself, it became harder to keep to the deadlines. 

I found a way to overcome those days where I felt less motivated by choosing only one or two tasks to focus on. I’ve learned to accept that I’m not 100% motivated every day, and instead of feeling guilty, I acknowledged it and gave myself less work on those days. 

Trust and Respect Your Business

At the start of running my own business, I wasn’t 100% confident. I felt scared to increase my prices, and I never held my customers accountable if they violated a contract. It was also hard for me to discuss money with clients, and often I did small jobs for free because I felt terrible for charging extra fees. 

At some point, I had to face the music. I had to admit that I wasn’t taking my business seriously enough. I had to find a way to make myself and my clients understand that my time is valuable. So, I decided to set clear business policies, and even though it was hard at first, I learned to stick to my guns and communicate this to new clients. 

You’ll Never Be 100% Ready to Start Your Business

When looking to start a business, you may feel like you need more capital or that your business plan needs a bit more work. However, if you keep waiting for the perfect moment, you might never open your business at all. 

While getting things in place, I quickly realized that there’s always something unaccounted for once I think I have everything. So, I held my breath and promoted my services on social media, and got clients sooner than I thought. 


No one tells you what to do first when starting a business, but luckily you get to figure it out as you go. I hope that you can use my lessons when pursuing your business success. 

About me

I am Alex Lysak, the CEO of Scanteam. I am a marketing expert who focuses on marketing research and social media marketing.
