This week, in fact, the year, for that matter has been one that has tested our ability to maintain inner peace with so much to process. It was heated, it was personal, it was monumental.
No matter what party you voted for in this election, there is no denying that the last few days have felt like a weird limbo, between excitement and anxiety.
Here are a few things that this week has reminded me to keep close to my heart, that applies so deeply, whether it’s a landmark election year or life-transforming personal journey.
1. There are certain things you can control and certain things you can’t control — and you must know the difference in order to maintain peace
Maintaining peace doesn’t mean you don’t care, that you have given up, or that there’s no more work to be done. It’s the balance of emotions, energy, and mind that allows us to show up each day and make the most aligned impact. Acting from a state of unrest or fear will only lead you further away from love.
Are you leaning into love?
2. Discovering your domino thing will save time, effort and will help you stay ahead of the competition
There will always be an external factor to compete with, but the greatest competition to win is that against your own competing thoughts and limiting beliefs. That’s the big domino that I have seen with many od my clients who come to me wanting to find that one thing that will unlock their potential. Trying to do everything will exhaust you. What will make the biggest impact is finding that one big domino – that one thing that if you knocked it down would knock down so many other dominoes or make them irrelevant.
What’s your big domino?
3. There’s a difference between being smart and being wise
Traditional knowledge requires us to be informed. Wisdom requires something different. It requires stillness and humility, a desire to know, and an openness to receive. Traditional knowledge is a good place to start out, but at some point, if you don’t access your divine wisdom and listen to what it’s saying (even if it doesn’t line up with what you have learned before), you will find yourself in emotional burnout or fatigue. Are you opening up yourself up to wisdom my friend?
One of my secrets for preventing emotional burnout and fatigue and to get more of what you want out of life is emotional fluency. That’s my one domino. You can learn more about emotional fluency here in this article. Tell me, what lessons have you learned from the 2020 election?