As a full-time physician, entrepreneur, and author, life stays busy. Now throw in triplets into the mix, and life just got super busy. People always ask me, “How do you do it?” To be honest, my answer is always, “With prayer and a planner.” Every morning I start out with prayer and before bed my day ends in prayer. On the other hand, my planner is always in my bag. I utilize both my phone and a physical planner. I personally enjoy writing items down and checking them off because it makes me feel accomplished. What can I say? It’s the simple things in life, right?
What’s interesting is that after having my triplets, I’ve become more efficient. In addition, they have increased my passion to help other moms live out their dreams and leave a legacy while not feeling guilty, and here’s how.
1. Make time for yourself.
I know there are not enough hours in a day for mamas. That’s at least how I feel, and there’s totally a limit to the number of hours of sleep we can sacrifice without it taking a toll on us mentally and physically. That’s why I encourage you to make time for yourself. As I like to call it, “me time.” This is time that is dedicated to you. You can schedule “me time” however you like. It can be shorter increments of time daily (i.e., 30 minutes per day), in which you could do something as relaxing and simple as reading a chapter of a book, watching your favorite show, or exercising. For those of you who don’t need daily break and prefer to have a longer break, there is hope. The other option is what I like to call “banking your time.” This allows you to accrue your time and “bank” it so you can have a longer weekly break and maybe get a massage. Ultimately, my point is, make time for yourself! If we, as mamas, are not mentally or physically healthy and happy, that will trickle down to our families. For me, I do a mix of both types of “me time.” It all depends on our schedules, but we make it work. Just an extra tip. Make sure dads are getting a break too. My husband does help, so I make sure he gets his “he time.” Make yourself a priority!
2. Make time for your family.
Now you may be thinking, all my time is already spent with my family. It may seem like that especially now while a lot of individuals are working from home and their children are doing virtual learning. However, I’m not just talking about this type of interaction. I’m talking about meaningful, memory making family time. Every weekend we have a pajama party at our house with the triplets. We hang out in their little tent and read some books, then we make popcorn and a watch a movie together. They sleep in their own room normally (thank goodness), but sleep in our room on their little cots as part of the party. It’s fun, because they look forward to this every week. To be honest, my husband and I look forward to this also. Another thing you can do is what I call a “surprise activity.” Since we have multiples, we plan an activity with them individually so our relationship with each one of them can grow in a unique way. This is also applicable if you have more than one child, it doesn’t necessarily have to multiples. Doing something like this will show your child that you deliberately took time out for them and they will remember that. Now with the pandemic, it’s a great time to start a tradition like this. Kids aren’t currently getting to see their friends as often, so what a great time to start a game night, cooking together night, movie night, etc. These are great ways to grow your relationship with your children and also establish great communication and support. Not to mention the awesome memories, so don’t forget to take pictures, lots of pictures!
3. Follow your passion.
As moms, we are so good at putting our wants and needs on the back burner. Our priority is our family. However, we feel bad about doing anything for ourselves. Well ladies, I’m writing this to let you know that it’s okay to do things for yourself. There, I said it! It’s okay to treat yourself without going on a guilt trip. I can go to the mall with the intention of buying something for myself that I need, but leave with nothing for myself but bags of stuff for my kids. Is it just me, or does this happen to you too? Let me be clear, that just makes you an awesome mom! There’s nothing wrong with that, however, the key is learning how to be well-balanced. I meet women all the time who compliment me on all I do and have accomplished. Most of them voice that they wish they could start doing some activities that they are passionate about, like writing a book. My response is always, “Do it!” Listen ladies, there is never going to be a perfect time. If you have a passion, if you want to write a book, DO IT! And that’s not me yelling at you. That’s me cheering you on. I challenge you to follow your dreams, follow your heart and follow your passion!
At this point you either think I’m crazy or you’re encouraged and already making plans to incorporate the above three tips I’ve listed. Whichever it may be, I challenge you to give it a try. I know you can do it. I know you can fulfill your dreams while continuing to be the best mom! Through your journey, don’t forget you are beautiful, you are strong, you are amazing and you can do anything you put your mind to do! So today start living, loving and leaving your legacy.
Don’t forget to check out The Dr. Mom Show Podcast where you can get some helpful medical information, in addition to life and parenting hacks from Dr. Dee.