Months of working from bedrooms, kitchens and broom cupboards, for some in not so splendid isolation can put a strain on our physical and more importantly mental health.
Maybe then, now would be a good time to make a conscious decision to do something that helps. It’s really important to find time and a few effective strategies to smooth our minds in times like these.
Make it a must do rather than should do.
1. Choose thoughts that serve you well
It’s really easy to let fear overwhelm us when there’s a crisis going on and yes, at times we need a little bit of fear to keep us safe. But when you feel nothing but fear and it’s draining you, it’s time to do something about it. Try re-framing fear into an empowering thought – something that makes you feel more positive and serves you well.
Don’t underestimate the power of positive self-talk – say it to yourself in a mirror if it helps.
2 Control what you can and let go of the rest
It’s impossible to control everything that’s going on around you at the moment – not even the people who are paid to be in control are managing it. For some this can prove to be anxiety provoking indeed. You can though control your thoughts and choices and take action on these. Make decisions instead of dithering, plan how you’re going to safely socialise, decide to take an hour at lunchtime for a head clearing walk – these are all things that are within your grasp.
Worrying about everything else will simply cause you lots of stress – not good for the immune system at all. And we all could do with healthy systems at the moment.
3. Practice gratitude and get some perspective
Yes, it’s tough at the moment and it’s been a long year so far – can’t deny that. There are still many things to be grateful for though and it is vital to focus on these. Maybe for you working from home has solved long standing issues with the work/family balance. Or perhaps you’ve found more time for exercise and lost weight. For some, the crisis has re-kindled relationships that had previously gone sour. Whatever there is going on in your life that is even the least bit positive, be grateful for it. Gratitude leads to positive thoughts, which in turn helps our mindset and mood.
And as for perspective, yes, the restrictions suck and have affected us all in some way. But we’re not really being asked to do much are we? Just keep ourselves and other people safe from harm. I’m happy with that.