What is the title of your book?
Raising Confident Children – Todays Kids, Tomorrow’s Leaders
What inspired you to write your book?
My work, my children, my grandchildren, the results I have seen from my work with my students in my schools and the success of the recipes I have implemented in my school and teachings.
What do you want others to get out of your book?
Educate parents to raise resilient leaders who can be prepared for this world filled with the unknowns. Spread the message that soft skills, life skills, personality, charisma are as important if not more important than simply learning from books.
How can we all move forward on purpose and with great purpose?
We can all move forward if we simply focus on our vision and dreams. It is important to have a life purpose and to make a difference, whether it is with your family, your children, your friends, the community. Life becomes meaningful when we have goals. They can be simple goals but goals give us a chance to have visions and to dream.
What is something each of us can do to SHINE?
We can shine by simply believing in ourselves and our own abilities. Do not try to be someone else. Try to be a better version of yourself every day.
What does Thriving mean to you?
Thriving to me means having a purpose and believing I can achieve it.
Are you planning another book or other launches?
Yes, depending on the success of my first book, I hope to have a follow up focused on public speaking and communication.
Where can we get your book?
How can we follow or get in touch with you?
Email and phone: 510-364-4033 or rennud@100grahamwritinggmail-com
What is one thing you would tell others if they want to bring their message forward?
I strongly believe that if we are confident we can do anything we want. I always advise people to unlock their own potential. Do not worry about what about people say or think. We should love ourselves and be happy with who we are. List your positive qualities, be accepting of the areas you need to improve on and work on plans to become better every day.
Anything else you would like to add?
Our children are the future. We need to equip them with skills for survival. This world is changing, and not necessarily for the better so it is our duty and responsibility to prepare them for the unknown.