There are staggering statistics surrounding the topic of anxiety. Teen suicide is at it’s peak in 2018 and social media is credited for record-breaking reports of depression and depression-like symptoms. Self-love messages are being minimized by advertising, unrealistic body-image illustrations, and online bullying i.e. “trolling”.
For those seeking solace in safe spaces and in communities designed to promote healing and self-acceptance, people around the world are finding affordable, creative, and realistic ways to manage their anxiety. Yoga isn’t for everybody! it isn’t the only activity that incorporates mindful breathing. You don’t have to be on a mountain top to hear God or to experience peace. There are so many solutions and supportive spaces in the world.
Here are a couple of those solutions:
Take a day off. Research shows that a mental health day is as necessary as a traditional sick day and physicians are encouraging patients to start understanding the correlation between mental health and overall well-being. Some companies are categorizing sick days and mental health days separately so that employees feel empowered to take days to decompress and unplug.
Throw the whole to-do list away. Multi-tasking is popular and hailed by most ambitious #hustlers in American culture but guess what? It’s toxic and ineffective according to advocates for simpler living. Those who focus on completing one significant task a day are less likely to feel overwhelmed and sporadic. That task may be clearing out an inbox or having a hard conversation or taking a nap.
There is no perfect way to manage anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges. The solutions listed above work for some people and may seem ridiculous and unrealistic to others. Discover your own regimen and remedies. Do everything you can to protect your mental health.