If there was ever a time to change our attitude and focus on the things we can be grateful for instead of being overwhelmed by all the challenges of the day (or the week, the month or the year), that moment is now. .
It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by obstacles when faced with days and days of staying home, practicing social distancing, dealing with income disruption, or worrying about loved ones who may be more susceptible to illness.
While it is okay to experience those feelings and face your worries, letting them corner you is not a good idea. If you start to feel overwhelmed, consider taking steps to lift your spirits.
Try to make a change of mind and see your circumstances with eyes of gratitude. What would that look like? The investigations have shown that intentionally focus on the positive things that happen no matter how small are- can make you a happier person, with benefits in the short and long term.
Gratitude is powerful.
Pausing briefly to remind yourself of what you are grateful for in your life — family, friends, a good meal, a valuable memory — gives you a short-term boost of happiness. It just makes you feel good.
And people who can express gratitude on a routine basis seem friendlier, and that means others want to be around them more often. They also describe themselves as less depressed and better able to deal with stressful situations.
Cultivating a feeling of gratitude also seems to improve the way they take care of themselves, whether it’s seeking a better night’s rest, making sure to schedule your annual checkup, or just making time to exercise regularly.
So how do you start making these little moments of gratitude a part of your day to reap these long-term benefits? It is okay to start small.
Express gratitude daily
Go beyond simple thank you. For example, if a coworker in the job of locksmith Toronto offers to do some extra work from your shared to-do list, tell them how much you appreciate that or follow up with an email or thank you note.
Do the same for those who go out of their way during this time of social isolation: delivery men, restaurant workers, mail carriers, shop assistants, health workers, public employees and the neighbor who made you a mask.
Never underestimate the power of a handwritten thank you note, especially now that so many people are living their lives through video screens.
Put it in writing.
Writing down the things you are grateful for is one way to reinforce the positive in your life. Write a few in a journal each day or collect them in a designated gratitude jar.
You not only benefit when you are writing them, you benefit again when you choose to read them. It’s a great activity for Thanksgiving or at the end of the year.
Promote it in your home.
Share your gratitude practices with your family. Inviting everyone to share something they are grateful for can become a little pre-meal ritual, or a nice thing to do when putting your kids to sleep each night.
No matter how you decide to develop your gratitude habits, it is sure to add more happiness to your life. And since gratitude is contagious, it will bring happiness to those around you as well.