We are still immersed in the midst of the health crisis without the situation regarding the number of infected and dead has improved much, despite the fact that experts are beginning to be somewhat more optimistic. So today we want to give you some tips to know the causes of stress and to avoid it.
Man is social by nature and needs to live in community is something that we all know and verify every day, we need communication with others in any facet of our life and more so in a country like ours where people spend a lot of time abroad doing different social and work activities.
Teleworking and stress?
In prevention, we usually speak very positively about teleworking because this way of working has advantages for both the company and the worker.
What are the advantages of teleworking?
It increases the flexibility of the work, both in schedules and in the order of the tasks to be carried out, which allows it to be organized according to our conveniences, that is, the teleworker can work wherever and whenever he wants.
More freedom: since the teleworker usually enjoys more freedom to do things when they are most and in the best disposition to do so.
Fewer expenses: the teleworker, as a consequence of the reduction in the time invested in commuting, obtains a saving of money and time. In addition, the teleworker saves expenses about Window replacement and on clothes, since they do not need to dress formally every day, and when working at home the temptation to eat out is less. You can also save on babysitters, parking costs, meals, etc.
Stress reduction: as a consequence of the reduction of commuting and daily traffic jams.
More availability of time: teleworking implies more availability of time to dedicate to the family, to carry out activities that you had never been able to do before in your leisure time.
Family life: the time spent going to and from the workplace is eliminated and this time can be spent with your family.
Fewer problems of business coexistence: teleworking minimizes work problems that may be inconsequential in appearance, such as slights due to problems of friction with bosses, colleagues, etc.
These advantages refer to a daily situation but it is not what we are experiencing at the moment, our daily life has been forced to change overnight without giving us time to progressively adapt, so that these advantages described for the Telecommuting may have become a source of stress.
Tips to avoid stress in quarantine
Precisely on March 31, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health published a guide with tips for managing psychosocial risks that can affect our health in these days of forced confinement.
Here is a summary of these recommendations:
Plan the work, the hourly routine and follow it
Focus on what can be done
Be positive. You earn more by staying home. Lives are saved. Be aware of the risk you would take if you didn’t. Consider that this isolation can be helpful
Stay active, busy.
Avoid over information. Being permanently connected can unnecessarily increase feelings of risk and anxiety. Go only to reliable sources of information.
Contrast the information you share.
Identify the thoughts that bother you. If you think about the disease and Covid-19, the discomfort will increase.
Recognize the emotions that are experienced and address the main concerns with information. Even so, you have to know that being said, with anxiety and worry is within what is expected for this situation. Accept what you feel.
Maintain social contact, using new technologies. Share your difficulties. Talk to those close to your confinement if it relieves you. Social support is the best way to reduce anxiety, depression, loneliness, and boredom during quarantine social isolation.
Help, if possible, something to others. It is comforting to belong to a team and help provide solutions.
Get exercise or physical activity. Disconnect. Use practical means to relax. Do things that are usually fun for you.
Relax your body with deep breathing techniques, meditation, and muscle relaxation.
If you still feel overwhelmed, ask for professional help or advice