
Life is short, hence finding ways to be happy is what everyone needs to do. Your health is your wealth; hence you have to make sure that it is on top of your priority. Doctors, like Dr. Philip Sobash, would not only give you medicines but will also advise you to live a happier life.

There are so many positive things that may happen if in the first place, you focus on being happy every day. Sure, it is not easy, it is actually very challenging considering that you are in a middle of a challenging and hard situation. But as some say, happiness is a state of mind, if you want to be happy, you will be happy.

It is in the right disposition in life you can achieve happiness. True that not everyone is as lucky as others, but that does not put you always on the dark side of life. Giving yourself the motivation to stand up and face life with grace, is not a walk in the park, but with conviction, you can definitely achieve the happiness you truly deserve.

Some say it is impossible to be happy all the time, sure, it is impossible but staying sad for a long time is a choice that you make. There is nothing wrong if you feel sad once in a while, but make sure that you will just pass on it and not stay long being sad.

To help you achieve the happiness that you deserve, here are some tips you can consider:

  • Smile

People smile when they happy, but actually, it is a two way street. The brain releases dopamine when you smile, hence making you feel happier. Of course, you are not required to plaster a fake smile all throughout the day, you can try cracking a smile when you feel low and down, and check out what will happen.

Also, it is best if you start your day with a smile. When you wake up, try to make a conscious effort to smile, when you look at your face in the mirror, give yourself a smile and know how happy life can be.

  • Exercise

Yes, exercising can definitely help you achieve happiness. This will not only give you the beach body you are longing to achieve but also this can help you reduce the feeling of anxiety, stress, and even depression while improving your happiness and self esteem.

You do not need to workout like an athlete, simple exercises are more than enough to kick start your day. You can simply go around the park, do yoga, tai chi or 5 minute stretching. Keep your body moving and release the happy hormones as you do so.

  • Get enough sleep

When you failed to get enough sleep your body needs, you tend to be grumpy and not in the mood. Giving yourself the relaxation you need, puts you in a good mood when you wake up in the morning. Most of the time, an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a day, for others this may be hard to achieve because of work, problems and stress.

If after doing everything necessary, you still cannot force yourself to sleep enough, it is highly recommended that you seek medical help. Not getting enough sleep is not healthy and can cause a lot of sicknesses. Do not let yourself be used to short naps, as that is not enough for you to regain your energy and strength.

  • Be with your family, friends and loved ones

Building a good relationship with your loved ones can automatically make you feel happy. Sure, your family, friends and loved ones are your greatest possession, and being with them, sharing quality time, stories and laughters with them, will put not just a smile on your face but in your heart too.

Find time to be with people you love, as that will make you feel your happiest.

  • Declutter

If your room or house is very dirty, expect that you will feel down and stressed out. Try to pick up pieces of trash on the floor, wipe dust and change your bedroom sheets. Seeing your room and house clean can definitely make your heart feel happy and fulfilled.

And besides, it is better to rest in a house that is clean and well managed than a house that is full of dirt and trash.

  • Learn to appreciate

Instead of ranting on things that you do not have, appreciate the things that you have. It maybe small, and simple, but needless to say it is worth to appreciate. Cherish the simple things you have in life, a nice couch, a tasty dinner, a cup of coffee and so on. It does not need to be huge, as simple things in life are more than enough for you to enjoy and be happy.

  • Give back

You may notice when you watch a video where someone is sharing something may it be with their loved ones or strangers, your heart feels deeply touched and happy. If this you personally do, sharing whatever it is that you have with someone, expect that your mind, heart and soul will be completely happy.

The thought that you were able to share and made someone happy is more than enough for you to feel the happiness within.

  • Let go of the pain and grudges

It is okay to recognize the pain, the anger and loneliness, but there is a time in your life when you have to let go of it completely. No one says its easy, but it is doable. If you release all these negative aspects in your life, you will feel free and happy.

You do not need to rush, but you have to make sure that all these feelings won’t consume all of yourself.

Considering the tips stated above, you are giving yourself the chance to achieve the happiness in life. There is nothing wrong if you try, besides, you have a lot to gain if this you give a try.