Discover the tips to avoid them. High-tech devices have many advantages. They allow us to stay in touch with our loved ones, regardless of geographic distance and help us exchange personal and business information very easily. But for some people, the omnipresence of technology can cause a drop in concentration, a lack of attention and constant impatience.

Our brain gets used to being rewarded by that feeling of well-being that we feel after responding to an email or a phone call and ends up getting hooked. As a result, instead of helping us, the screens absorb us and prevent us from being as productive as we wanted. But rest assured, there are plenty of ways to limit this anxiety effect.

Better manage your emails

To avoid spending your time checking your emails, consider changing the settings so that the application only updates once an hour. If e-mails are an integral part of your work and you need them regularly, try to limit yourself to office hours. If you receive a not very urgent mail in the evening or on the weekend, do not answer it. Sending an e-mail back can result in a long exchange that will do more harm than good to your efficiency.

A room without technology

The temptations to go to bed with your phone, tablet or reading light is strong, but by resisting it improve our sleep. The light from the screens can disrupt our internal clock and cause insomnia, so we try to delimit the room so that it becomes a free area of ​​any high-tech device.

Moments to daydream

Have you noticed how much our time spent dreaming of innovation of new things, reading or thinking has gone down since we have a smartphone in our hands? Redoing the world in our head is important for our well-being.

How is the techno-stress manifested?

  • Need to acquire the latest technological developments that come to market.
  • Ability to manage several devices at the same time which produces dispersion inattention that can lead to disorders of concentration and memory.
  • The impoverishment of written and spoken language, syncopated word codes and jargon are created.
  • Use of technology for much of the day avoiding personal relationships

Young people are the most affected by this type of addiction that is concrete in the use of mobile telephony and the Internet to communicate with their friends or in the passion for video games. Experts believe that addiction to trying the latest technology can cause frustration if not achieved by deriving this behavior in states of sadness or anxiety.

What to do?

  • Book, at least, one day a week without technology to encourage spoken communication and personal relationships.
  • Deepen the purpose of the technology and use it only for what is strictly necessary.
  • Limit the game schedule or internet connection to a certain period of the day.
  • It is advisable that for each hour of work in front of a computer or mobile device, take 10 minutes to rest the mind and eyes, changing the focus is very beneficial.
  • The solution is not to hate technology but to make good use of it.

Almost all audiences, especially young people, have been enthusiastic about new technologies and their possibilities. But the most vulnerable profiles have been overwhelmed by this virtually infinite universe.

The techno-stress is also installed when a person is not able to manage technologies in a healthy way, particularly in a work environment where everyone feels obliged to remain connected and respond to the constant flow of information due to multiple work overloads. The task to the detriment of analysis and creative thinking.