A new year often means a reboot. Taking a look at the parts of your life that need improving and those old habits that need to be left behind is a popular way to ring in another year. Among those who make resolutions, there are some recurring themes, namely improving health, wealth and overall happiness. Knowing where to start and what changes to make are often the hardest parts about getting on the path to success. When the options for a do-over seem endless, take a look at some of these tips to help you hone-in on things you can do to refresh your life in this new year.
Think Big but Start Small
One of the biggest challenges when making resolutions is thinking too grand or setting too many goals. Sure, losing 100 pounds this year might be doable, but it will not come off in the first few months. While it is good to have a large goal in mind, the best way to start on the successful path is by setting small or milestone goals. Try and start with one big goal and then break it into actionable chunks. For instance, if you want to eliminate your credit card debt, calculate the money needed to do this. Then, break out those payments into monthly installments. If part of that money comes from a second job or from selling unwanted or unused items, plan those for weeks or months. Biting off more than you can chew can lead to frustration, and ultimately, you will be more likely to abandon your goals.
Make Changes at Home
When looking to reinvent yourself, the changes you can see quickly often make the most impact. Boosting your daily happiness can be as big as quitting the job that stresses you out or making changes to your living space. Deciding on revamping your home decor can go a long way in making you feel better fairly fast. It all comes down to budget and expense. If you have the money for a major renovation, such as a kitchen or bathroom remodel, then these things will wind up adding value to your home when you want to sell it. If your new year plans include tightening the purse strings, undertaking a smaller, more economical renovation may be just as effective in making you feel more content. A fresh coat of paint or some new outdoor seating can go a long way in refreshing your space.
Shift Your Thinking
Part of resetting your life is giving yourself some grace. Having resolutions and sticking to them are important; however, so is allowing yourself a do-over more than every year. This might be a good year to practice shifting your viewpoint from focusing only on what you have done wrong in the past to what you are doing right now. Something that might help flip this switch is yoga or meditation. The two practices concentrate on looking inward to make sweeping changes one breath at a time. Yoga does this by allowing you to concentrate on postures and poses that both challenge and relieve you. Meditation involves more introspective time learning how to change your unconscious thinking by addressing the thoughts and feelings that come from within. Failure does not have to be permanent, and learning to get back up after a setback is crucial to living your best life this year and beyond.
Get Moving
Movement and activity are crucial to getting the body in shape. The brain is also greatly influenced by the amount of physical activity you participate in regularly. Exercise is the cornerstone for getting your body and mind fit in the new year. If being successful this year is your ultimate goal, you may want to add 30 minutes of regular exercise to your busy schedule. This can include walking, biking, hiking or anything that gets your body moving.
Your success in achieving your resolutions comes down to proper planning, mindset and action. Hopefully, with the help of these tips, you will move towards your goals happily and healthily.